Por ReadWrite 9 de janeiro de 2017 0 Comentários Nova pesquisa vê despesas com Internet de coisas (IoT) crescendo em quase 16 até 2020, impulsionadas por investimentos em hardware, principalmente pelos fabricantes. O Jornal informou sobre o lançamento do Guia Mundial de Gastos Internacionais Semanuais de Coisas por International Data Corp. (IDC). O relatório do IDC descobriu que as despesas da IoT chegarão a 1,29 trilhões em todo o mundo até 2020, representando uma taxa de crescimento anual composta de 15,6 entre 2015 e 2020. Por Tom Still 9 de janeiro de 2017 0 Comentários Enquanto ele estava diante de uma multidão no almoço de previsão econômica anual da Associação de banqueiros de Wisconsin, o governador Scott Walker foi otimista sobre o que 2017 promete para o estado. Sua ressalva, no entanto, era toda sobre pessoas. Para ser específico, Walker quer garantir que haja pessoas prontas, dispostas e capazes de participar da força de trabalho da Wisconsins under-pressure. Por eWeek 4 de janeiro de 2017 0 Comentários O varejista on-line Amazon conquistou uma grande quantidade de escárnio em relação à patente recentemente divulgada para um centro de atendimento no ar que usa drones para entrega. O pedido de patente da Amazon8217, que foi arquivado em 5 de abril de 2016, descreve como uma aeronave mais leve do que o avião flimp se deslocaria perto de potenciais mercados que transportem mercadorias que seriam então entregues por drones não tripulados. Esses drones pegariam mercadorias que tinham sido encomendadas por um cliente abaixo e depois desceram e entregam a compra. Hoje em dia, uma mudança positiva no negócio de informática empresarial de anúncios de anúncios mais recentes está realmente focada em como a tecnologia pode ajudar uma empresa a fazer negócios. Gostaria de poder voltar no tempo e descobrir quando o setor de TI fez a transição de ser conduzido por produto ao conceito focado. Eu acho que isso é como tentar descobrir quando paramos de ser uma criança ou quando percebemos que somos 8220old8221. Elon Musks SpaceX disse na segunda-feira que descobriu a causa de uma explosão de foguete de setembro e planeja retornar ao vôo assim que domingo. As conclusões da investigação da empresa ainda não foram aprovadas pela Administração Federal de Aviação, e a agência ainda não forneceu uma licença para o lançamento. Mas a declaração do SpaceXs significa que tem confiança de que as agências federais aprovarão seus remédios para o problema e que em breve receberá a luz verde. Depois que um fabricante de software de vigilância foi pirateado, seus documentos vazados lançam luz sobre uma indústria global sombria que transformou o roubo de e-mail em uma arma política terrível e lucrativa. Por ReadWrite 4 de janeiro de 2017 0 Comentários Foi um grande ano para a Indústria Industrial ou a Indústria 4.0, já que tanto as empresas estabelecidas a longo prazo quanto as empresas em fase de arranque trabalharam para encontrar soluções para problemas que têm atormentado locais de trabalho tradicionais há muitos anos. Os objetivos subjacentes incluíram maior eficiência, cadeias de fornecimento aprimoradas, menor desperdício e maior segurança e velocidade. Em meio a um ecossistema avançado de interconectividade, iniciativas como a robótica, a tecnologia portátil, a imagem 3D, o AR e os processos de transporte inteligente lideraram o caminho. A Mercy Health tomou uma sugestão da sua gestão da cadeia de suprimentos aprendendo sucesso para reforçar os caminhos clínicos. O resultado: 14 milhões salvaram o primeiro ano, e Mercy já está no caminho certo para superar isso. Mas um vice-presidente diz que não é apenas dinheiro. Carnival está apresentando um serviço de portaria personalizado para seus convidados de cruzeiros através do Medalhão do Oceano. O wearable fará tudo, destrava a porta da sua cabine para verificar se você reserva uma reserva em um restaurante e funcionará durante e depois das férias de cruzeiro. Arnold Donald, CEO da maior companhia de cruzeiros do mundo, apresentou o Medalhão do Oceano em um discurso de abertura na CES 2017, a grande feira de tecnologia em Las Vegas nesta semana. Donald não é de uma empresa de tecnologia, mas sua presença na CES mostra o quão longe e ampla tecnologia se espalhou por todas as formas de negócios. Vivemos em um mundo baseado em dados. Das redes sociais às cidades inteligentes para a internet das coisas, agora geramos enormes volumes de informações sobre quase todos os detalhes da vida. Isso revolucionou tudo, desde negócios até governo até a busca do romance. Nós tendemos a concentrar nossa atenção no que é novo sobre a era dos grandes dados. Mas nosso presente digital está, de fato, profundamente conectado ao nosso passado industrial. Se você não está entregando resultados no horário, esses 5 fatores podem estar impedindo seu sucesso. Como você classificaria sua marca de liderança Se os resultados oportunos não forem parte de sua identidade, cinco bloqueios significativos podem estar parando você. Nós pedimos às clientes essas perguntas: Eles estão entregando resultados no tempo Se assim for, os resultados são concluídos sem sacrificar outros fatores como a qualidade, ou alienando seus colegas ou colegas de trabalho por TechCrunch 3 de janeiro de 2017 0 Comentários Os americanos adotam o gerenciamento de seu dinheiro. À medida que o país chega ao Ano Novo, está claro que mais de 57 de nós estão lutando financeiramente, de acordo com um estudo do Centro de Inovação de Serviços Financeiros. As primeiras entregas de drones do mundo começaram as corridas de teste no Reino Unido e nos EUA. Uma vez usadas principalmente por militares, pequeno quadcopter e drones octocopter são agora tão comuns que estão à venda em lojas de melhorias para o lar e lojas de brinquedos. As pessoas estão voando drones para se divertir, para entretenimento e para fins comerciais tão diversos como cinema e agricultura. A incorporação de valor de análise de dados8217 na cultura corporativa é essencial para competir contra disruptores digitais. A InformationWeek entrevistou o parceiro McKinsey e pesquisador principal Michael Chui sobre um novo relatório abordando a concorrência em uma era baseada em dados. Executivos da Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins e Partners HealthCare reuniram-se com o presidente eleito para falar sobre a VA e outras prioridades de saúde. Por Envision IT 30 de dezembro de 2016 0 Comentários É até três de um pool potencial de mais de 10 mil empresas no concurso global de Prêmio de Inovação lançado pelo gigante das soluções de TI Citrix, e foi anunciado hoje que a empresa Envision, baseada em Madison, Wisconsin Ele está entre os três finalistas. Os candidatos foram julgados sobre o uso da tecnologia para afetar positivamente as vidas. Envision IT's entry centrou-se no seu trabalho com a Exact Sciences, também com sede em Madison, e como os serviços da Envision IT permitiram a globalização rápida do teste de detecção de câncer colorretal de detecção precoce Exact Sciences Cologuard graças a tecnologia segura, eficiente e fácil de usar para o diagnóstico Empresa internacional de mão-de-obra. O vencedor será anunciado no dia 11 de janeiro na 11ª Cúpula anual da Citrix em Anaheim, Califórnia. Se você ama a tecnologia, pode ser hora de um abraço de grupo: este ano tem sido difícil para a tecnologia de consumo. Da explosão de smartphones e hoverboards para a proliferação de notícias falsas em mídias sociais, muitos de nossos produtos de hardware, software e internet tecnológicos sofreram falhas embaraçosas. Behemoths como o Google, o Facebook e a Samsung Electronics estavam na linha de tiro como resultado. Por VentureBeat 30 de dezembro de 2016 0 Comentários Quando se tratava de ofertas públicas de empresas de tecnologia, 2016 surgiu como um cadáver e exibiu apenas os mais baixos do coração até o final. Ainda assim, vale a pena reescrever a linha que todos escrevemos nos últimos dois anos: o próximo ano poderia ser muito melhor. E desta vez, isso poderia realmente ser verdade. É um dado que os líderes de negócios devem ter alta integridade, mas é um traço indescritível em muitos. Heres como entendê-lo, avaliá-lo (em você mesmo) e obtê-lo Às vezes, o aspecto mais difícil da integridade é consistentemente fazer as coisas que prometeu. Vemos isso em todas as profissões em geral. Quando os líderes empresariais são convidados a descrever traços-chave que correspondem com os melhores gerentes e profissionais com os quais eles lidam, a maior integridade da personalidade8221 geralmente toca a lista. Proteger a privacidade individual da invasão do governo é mais antigo do que a democracia americana. Em 1604, o procurador-geral da Inglaterra, Sir Edward Coke, decidiu que uma casa de mans é o seu castelo. Esta foi a declaração oficial de que um proprietário poderia proteger-se e. Obama Barack Obama no Aborto Clique aqui para 36 citações completas sobre o aborto ou outros candidatos sobre o aborto OU antecedentes sobre o aborto. As gravidezes adolescentes e os abortos estão perto de mínimos históricos. (Janeiro de 2015) ObamaCare pede que as companhias de seguros forneçam anticoncepcionais. (Out 2012) As seguradoras devem fornecer contracepção, mas não empregadores. (Fevereiro de 2012) Bispos católicos rejeitaram fundos de abortos segregados. (Maio de 2010) lei de 2007: contraceptivos de desconto nas clínicas de saúde da faculdade. (Novembro de 2009) Nenhum teste decisivo nomeia a tribunal com base na sua justiça. (Out 2008) 1990: escreveu um artigo de lei que o feto não pode processar a mãe. (Ago 2008) FactCheck: Abortos derrubaram-se sob Pres. Arbusto. (Agosto de 2008) 1997: projeto de lei contra o aborto de parto parcial. (Agosto de 2008) Legislação oposta que protege os abortos falhados nascidos vivos. (Ago 2008) Ok para que o estado restrinja o aborto parcial por parto tardio. (Abr de 2008) Podemos encontrar um terreno comum entre pro-escolha e pró-vida. (Abril de 2008) Indeciso sobre se a vida começa na concepção. (Abril de 2008) Ensine adolescentes sobre abstinência e também sobre contracepção. (Abril de 2008) GovWatch: os votos presentes da Obamas eram uma estratégia solicitada. (Fevereiro de 2008) Expandir o acesso à contracepção reduzir a gravidez indesejada. (Fevereiro de 2008) As células-tronco possuem promessa de curar 70 principais doenças. (Agosto de 2007) Confie as mulheres para tomar decisões sobre o aborto de parto parcial. (Abr 2007) Extender a presunção de boa fé aos manifestantes do aborto. (Out 2006) A constituição é um documento vivo, sem construção estrita. (Out 2006) As acusações morais de pro-lifers são contraproducentes. (Out 2004) Passe o Bill de pesquisa de células-tronco. (Jun 2004) Proteja o direito de uma mulher escolher. (Maio de 2004) Registro de votação Lei bloqueada de IL: Lei de proteção infantil infantil nascida. (Out 2011) Opposed birth-alive tratamento lei porque já era lei. (Out 2008) Avaliado 100 por NARAL em votos pró-escolha em 2005, 2006 2007. (Jan 2008) Votado contra a proibição do aborto parcial de nascimento. (Out 2007) Suporta Roe v. Wade. (Julho de 1998) Votou NO na definição de criança por nascer como elegível para SCHIP. (Mar 2008) Votou NO na proibição de menores que cruzam as linhas de estado para o aborto. (Mar 2008) Votou SIM na expansão da pesquisa para mais linhas de células estaminais embrionárias. (Abr 2007) Votou NO em notificar pais de menores que abandonam os abortos de fora do estado. (Jul 2006) Votou SIM em 100M para reduzir a gravidez na adolescência por contraceptivos de educação. (Março de 2005) Conta patrocinada que fornece anticoncepcionais para mulheres de baixa renda. (Maio de 2006) Rated 0 by the NRLC. Indicando uma posição pró-escolha. (Dezembro de 2006) Assegurar o acesso e financiar a contracepção. (Fevereiro de 2007) Barack Obama on Budget Economy Clique aqui para obter 69 orçamentos completos no Budget Economy OU 33 manchetes mais antigas ou outros candidatos no Budget Economy OU background on Budget Economy. A ampla mudança econômica provoca insegurança econômica para os trabalhadores. (Janeiro de 2016) A economia deve beneficiar os poucos, ou todos (janeiro de 2015) FactCheck: déficits reduzidos ao meio, mas ainda maiores que 2008. (janeiro de 2014) FactCheck: redução do déficit de 2,5T é uma estimativa discutível. (Fevereiro de 2013) 4T na redução do déficit: taxar o top 1. (fevereiro de 2013) Defender o crédito de fé absoluta dos EUA manter o governo aberto. (Fevereiro de 2013) Os problemas das hipotecas domésticas estão impedindo nossa economia. (Fevereiro 2013) Após 10 anos de guerra, é hora de construir na nação em casa. (Out 2012) O plano Romneys explodirá o déficit ou elevará seus impostos. (Out 2012) O patriotismo econômico em vez das políticas de cima para baixo. (Out 2012) 5T em cortes de impostos 2T em defesa é uma receita fracassada de 2003. (Out 2012) O déficit veio de duas guerras pagas em um cartão de crédito. (Out 2012) Você me escolheu para dizer a verdade: o caminho a seguir é difícil. (Set 2012) House of cards entrou em colapso em 2008 novas regras agora instaladas. (Janeiro de 2012) Não precisamos de uma emenda constitucional para equilibrar o orçamento. (Janeiro de 2012) posições econômicas de Obama em comparação com Romney. (Janeiro de 2012) Nomeie a comissão fiscal bipartidária e restabeleça o PAYGO. (Jan 2010) Algumas referências são defensáveis, se realizadas em plena luz do dia. (Janeiro de 2010) Algumas riquezas do último boom econômico foram ilusórias. (Set 2009) Economia inferior em vez de economia de gotejamento. (Julho de 2008) Concentre-se na justiça econômica em vez da política macroeconômica. (Jul 2008) OpEd: Hope traduz-se em oportunidade econômica. (Jul 2008) Pegue a China no tapete sobre a manipulação de moeda. (Dezembro de 2007) Apoia programas federais para proteger a economia rural. (Maio de 2004) Congelar as despesas internas anuais para os próximos cinco anos. (Janeiro de 2011) O pior passou, mas a devastação permanece. (Janeiro de 2010) Destaque financeiro OpEd: cada resgate revelou mais de Washingtons dentro do jogo. (Abril de 2012) Os bancos de refinanciamento hipotecário de empréstimos pagam o déficit de confiança. (Janeiro de 2012) Estabeleça uma era de fim de unidade de crimes financeiros de imprudência. (Janeiro de 2012) Recessão porque Wall St. e Washington nos falharam. (Outubro de 2011) colapso financeiro de 2008: veredicto final sobre a filosofia errada. (Set 2011) OpEd: mensagem de restrição prejudicada com novos investimentos. (Julho de 2011) OpEd: Economia recuperando, mas não sentindo na rua. (Jun 2011) OpEd: Crise significa que Obama ganhou, mas mundos caindo aos pedaços. (Maio de 2010) Trabalhou em resgates bancários do TARP durante a transição de 2008. (Maio de 2010) Todos odiamos o resgate do banco, mas era necessário. (Janeiro de 2010) 1T evitou Depressão, mas assumi o cargo com dívidas 8T. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: A estimativa de 8 casos do déficit de 8T é mais próxima de 3T. (Janeiro de 2010) O G-20 produziu documento coletivo sobre economia global. (Abr 2009) Os EUA vão emergir desta recessão, mais forte do que antes. (Fevereiro de 2009) Não é suficiente para ajudar aqueles que estão no topo: ele não goteja. (Out 2008) Preste atenção à Main Street, não apenas a Wall Street. (Set 2008) Regular as instituições pelo que fazem, e não o que são. (Ago 2008) O mercado livre precisa de supervisão governamental adequada. (Julho de 2008) A fraude de perseguição de credores exige divulgação completa da hipoteca. (Julho de 2008) Os negros latinos são mais atingidos por crises de gás residencial. (Junho de 2008) Mais responsabilidade em hipotecas de alto risco. (Fev 2008) Ajude os proprietários a viverem em suas casas. (Janeiro de 2008) Responsabilidade e supervisão dos mercados financeiros. (Janeiro de 2008) Modifique algumas das práticas fraudulentas de empréstimos predatórios. (Janeiro de 2008) A regulamentação governamental é necessária para quando os mercados falham. (Ago 2007) Pacote de estímulo Nós negligenciamos a construção de nações aqui quando nós construímos no país. (Out 2012) OpEd: Concurso de estímulo derrisivamente chamado porkulus. (Fevereiro de 2012) OpEd: o voto de estímulo transformou GOP em um partido do No. (Sep 2010) A Lei de Recuperação evitou uma segunda Grande Depressão. (Janeiro de 2010) Os cortes de impostos transversais não estimulariam a economia. (Janeiro de 2010) O aumento das despesas vem dos estabilizadores automáticos de Bushs. (Janeiro de 2010) O congelamento de gastos agora seria destimulante mais tarde é melhor. (Janeiro de 2010) Restore Pay-As-You-Go law. (Janeiro de 2010) OpEd: trilões de estímulo devem ser emprestados, impressos ou tributados. (Novembro de 2009) estavam na pior crise financeira desde a Grande Depressão. (Set 2008) O congelamento de gastos é como um incômodo onde você precisa de um bisturi. (Sep 2008) Registro de votação Votado contra o crédito limite para 30, porque 30 muito alto. (Janeiro de 2008) Eu opomo as contas de falência de 2001 e 2005. (Janeiro de 2008) Votou NO em pagar a dívida federal pela avaliação da eficácia dos programas. (Março de 2007) Votou NO em 40B em gastos gerais federais reduzidos. (Dezembro de 2005) Obtenha minorias para o mercado global de propriedade da propriedade. (Janeiro de 2001) Exigem divulgação completa sobre hipotecas de alto risco. (Dezembro de 2007) Reforma as regras da hipoteca para evitar a falência de encerramento. (Fevereiro de 2008) Barack Obama em Direitos Civis Clique aqui para obter 76 citações completas sobre Direitos Civis OU outros candidatos sobre Direitos Civis OU antecedentes sobre Direitos Civis. A discriminação torna os EU menos seguros. (Janeiro 2016) Seu direito de condenar a perseguição das pessoas LGBT. (Janeiro 2015) OpEd: 2007: teve que suportar o teste preto o suficiente. (Maio de 2012) Constituição manchada pelas nações pecado original da escravidão. (Novembro de 2010) OpEd: a Presidência representa o triunfo do movimento pelos direitos civis. (Março de 2010) discurso de 2008 sobre corrida acelerada pelo fiasco do Rev. Wright. (Janeiro de 2010) Compromisso de equilíbrio de isolamento para direitos internacionais. (Dezembro de 2009) OpEd: não a semente dos direitos civis, mas a flor. (Agosto de 2008) Admirei atos repetidos de auto-criação por Malcolm X. (Ago 2008) Permaneceu junto com líderes latinos durante 20 anos passados. (Jun 2008) As pessoas querem ir além de nossas divisões. (Janeiro de 2008) 2004 O discurso do DNC fundiu a herança com a diversidade. (Dezembro de 2007) A política do medo mina as liberdades civis básicas. (Out 2007), o chefe dos anos 80 previu que Obama seria o herdeiro da voz dos MLKs. (Agosto de 2007) A igualdade racial é boa para a América como um todo. (Jun 2007) Coloque a bandeira confederada em um museu, e não na casa do estado. (Abr 2007) A herança muçulmana dá a Obama uma influência única no mundo muçulmano. (Out 2006) Nenhuma América negra ou branca - apenas Estados Unidos da América. (Out 2006) Fortamente sobre questões raciais e sobre a história dos direitos civis. (Julho de 2004) Defender a liberdade e a igualdade nos termos da lei. (Maio de 2004) Políticos: não use religião para isolar da crítica. (Abril de 2004) Miscigenação um crime em 1960, quando Obamas praticou. (Agosto de 1996) O movimento dos direitos civis foi um sucesso. (Agosto de 1996) Critério de Ação afirmativa: a diferença salarial de gênero é 0,19, e não 0,23. (Janeiro de 2014) Passe o Paycheck Fairness Act. (Fevereiro de 2013) Eu beneficiei de ação afirmativa na minha carreira acadêmica. (Out 2011) Muitas disparidades pretas podem ser atribuídas ao legado de Jim Crow. (Janeiro de 2009) Mantenha a promessa de pagamento igual por um dia igual de trabalho. (Agosto de 2008) A discriminação passada afeta as gerações futuras. (Jul 2008) Aplicar ação afirmativa aos candidatos de faculdade branca pobres. (Abril de 2008) A organização comunitária continua o movimento dos direitos civis. (Abr 2008) A discriminação legalizada significava que os negros não podiam acumular riqueza. (Março de 2008) Combater a discriminação no trabalho para dar às mulheres uma base igual em empregos. (Fevereiro de 2008) Remova os obstáculos discriminatórios ao direito de voto. (Fevereiro de 2008) Beneficiou-se de ação afirmativa, mas superou via mérito. (Dezembro de 2007) Inclua ação afirmativa baseada em classe com base em raça. (Out 2007) Melhor impor o equilíbrio da remuneração das mulheres através da Lei da igualdade de remuneração. (Agosto de 2007) Os negros devem se infiltrar no mainstream para afetar a mudança. (Agosto de 2007) É aconselhável o compromisso com a diversidade pelos CEOs. (Março de 2007) Os afro-americanos votam o Democrata por causa de questões. (Julho de 2004) Apoia ações afirmativas em faculdades e governo. (Julho de 1998) Gay Journey Journey não completa até que os homossexuais tratassem como qualquer outra pessoa. (Janeiro de 2013) Casais do mesmo sexo devem se casar. (Maio de 2012) Nenhuma lei federal deve prejudicar o casamento do mesmo sexo com base no estado. (Maio de 2012) se opõe a CA Prop. 8, casamento de um homem e mulher. (Julho de 2008) Os crimes de odio relacionados à questão da imigração são inaceitáveis. (Fevereiro de 2008) Ser gay ou lésbica não é uma escolha. (Novembro de 2007) As decisões sobre o casamento devem ser deixadas para os estados. (Out 2007) A homossexualidade não é mais imoral do que a heterossexualidade. (Out 2007) Ok para expor os jovens de 6 anos aos casais homossexuais que já conhecem. (Set 2007) Algum casamento quebrou porque dois gays se debruçam (Ago 2007) Precisamos de uniões civis fortes, não apenas uniões civis fracas. (Ago 2007) Os direitos legais dos homossexuais são conferidos pelo estado, não pela igreja. (Agosto de 2007) Disentangle os direitos dos homossexuais da palavra casamento. (Ago 2007) O casamento gay é menos importante que direitos homossexuais iguais. (Agosto de 2007) O movimento dos direitos dos homossexuais é um pouco como o movimento dos direitos civis. (Agosto de 2007) Deixe cada denominação decidir sobre o reconhecimento do casamento gay. (Julho de 2007) Passe ENDA e expande a legislação sobre crimes de ódio. (Mar 2007) Opposed 1996 Illinois DOMA bill. (Março de 2007) Apoia benefícios de saúde para parceiros civis gay. (Out 2006) Oposições de casamento gay apoia a união civil de igualdade gay. (Out 2006) Casamento não é um direito humano não discriminação é. (Out 2004) Os homossexuais não devem enfrentar discriminação, mas não devem se casar. (Out 2004) Inclua orientação sexual em leis antidiscriminação. (Julho de 1998) Registro de votação fortalecer a lei sobre os americanos com deficiência. (Ago 2007) Votou NÃO ao recomendar a proibição constitucional da profanação da bandeira. (Junho de 2006) votou NÃO sobre a proibição constitucional do casamento homossexual. (Junho de 2006) A finalização do perfil racial é parte da luta pela justiça. (Janeiro de 2001) Conta patrocinada para planos de evacuação de necessidades especiais. (Set 2005) Conta patrocinada por um selo postal comemorativo Rosa Parks. (Dezembro de 2005) Avaliado 89 pela HRC. Indicando uma posição pró-direitos dos homossexuais. (Dezembro de 2006) Avaliado 100 pela NAACP. Indicando uma posição pró-afirmativa. (Dezembro de 2006) Reconhecer o décimo terceiro como final histórico da escravidão. (Jun 2008) Fornecer benefícios aos parceiros domésticos de funcionários federais. (Dez de 2007) Re-introduzir a Emenda de Igualdade de Direitos. (Março de 2007) Reforçar os requisitos de discriminação e igualdade de remuneração. (Janeiro de 2008) Barack Obama em Corporações Clique aqui para obter 48 orçamentos completos sobre Corporações OU outros candidatos em Corporações OU antecedentes em Corporações. O setor privado é a força vital da economia, mas precisa de limites. (Janeiro 2016) O negócio deve ser mais orientado para a comunidade. (Janeiro de 2016) Fugas próximas que deixam o topo 1 evitar o pagamento de impostos. (Janeiro 2015) Taxa de imposto mais baixa para 25 e incentivar o investimento em casa. (Out 2012) Desligamento de imposto final de 4B para trabalhos de envio no exterior. (Out 2012) Você não pode construir um negócio por conta própria em conjunto. (Jul 2012) Findo dedução para terceirização de empregos terceirização de impostos em vez disso. (Janeiro de 2012) Em um certo ponto, você ganhou dinheiro suficiente. (Dez de 2011) Michelle Obama: trabalhe para a comunidade, não América corporativa. (Dez de 2011) 4.000 crédito fiscal para empresas que contratam trabalhadores desempregados. (Set 2011) OpEd: contos poéticos de pequenas empresas ignoram grandes monopólios. (Janeiro de 2011) Agora, o negócio pode cancelar o custo total dos novos investimentos. (Janeiro de 2011) Menor taxa de imposto sobre as empresas paga por ele fechando lacunas. (Janeiro de 2011) OpEd: decisão de financiamento da campanha Tribunais Overturn no Congresso. (Janeiro de 2010) As eleições americanas não devem ser financiadas por corporações. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: muitos passos até que as empresas possam financiar as eleições. (Janeiro de 2010) Citizens United é uma vitória para Wall Street Big Business. (Janeiro de 2010) Os interesses especiais dominam a atividade legislativa do dia-a-dia. (Novembro de 2009) OpEd: a riqueza de Wall Street vem do papel crescente do govt. (Novembro de 2009) Nenhum imposto sobre ganhos de capital sobre ganhos inferiores a 250K. (Out 2008) A alta taxa de imposto das empresas é compensada por inúmeras lacunas. (Set 2008) Ainda precisamos do governo vigilante ético corporativo. (Julho de 2008) Aplicar contra a manipulação do mercado de informações privilegiadas. (Julho de 2008) Regular as instituições pelo que fazem, e não pelo que são. (Julho de 2008) Capte os subsídios agrícolas para as empresas Fortune 500. (Dezembro de 2007) Desligue as isenções fiscais para empresas que enviam empregos no exterior. (Ago 2007) Responsabilizar as corporações pelas condições de trabalho das pensões. (Ago 2007) Incentivos fiscais para responsabilidade corporativa. (Junho de 2004) Fechar as lacunas de impostos para as empresas dos EUA se deslocalizando para o exterior. (Junho de 2004) Bailout corporativo Os selos de alimentos não causaram crise financeira Wall Street fez. (Janeiro de 2016) Acordo de emergência: CAFE para caminhões, bem como carros. (Janeiro de 2014) Se tivéssemos deixado a GM falir, os carros chineses estarão comprando. (Out 2012) Deixar Detroit irromper a maneira Romney não funcionaria. (Out 2012) Mais duras reformas em Wall Street desde a década de 1930. (Out 2012) Finalizar isenções de impostos para empresas que enviam empregos no exterior. (Setembro de 2012) Resgatamos a indústria automobilística, mas hoje eles estão de volta. (Janeiro de 2012) OpEd: Bailouts de GM Wall Street são capitalismo de amiguismo. (Novembro de 2010) Melhor forçar a bancarrota automática do que a força fora dos negócios. (Maio de 2010) Os bônus do banco enquanto recebiam o TARP eram irresponsáveis. (Maio de 2010) OpEd: Estabelece o poder para aproveitar empresas muito grandes para falhar. (Abr 2010) Emprestar 30B em reembolsos TARP para pequenas empresas. (Jan 2010) Nós dois reduzimos os impostos, mas McCain oferece 200B às empresas. (Out 2008) Precisamos de responsabilidade de Wall Street antes das crises financeiras. (Setembro de 2008) A irresponsabilidade em Wall Street levou à crise financeira. (Out 2005) Registro de votação Plano REAL dos EUA: recompensa as empresas que criam empregos domésticos. (Junho de 2004) Votou SIM na revogação do subsídio fiscal para as empresas que movem os empregos dos EUA para o exterior. (Março de 2005) Votou NO na reforma da falência para incluir restrições de testes de meios. (Março de 2005) Prevenção de lavagem de dinheiro através da divulgação de proprietários corporativos. (Maio de 2008) Barack Obama on Crime Clique aqui para 28 citações completas sobre Crime OU outros candidatos em Crime OU antecedentes sobre Crime. A taxa de criminalidade e a taxa de encarceramento caíram juntas. (Janeiro de 2015) FactCheck: Biden mais conservador do que Obama em questões de criminalidade. (Ago 2012) Sobreviveu a ameaças vagas de Ku Klux Klan durante a campanha. (Junho de 2009) 1997: Reforma da justiça criminal bipartidária realizada. (Agosto de 2008) Treinamento de trabalho para ex-infratores, para evitar o retorno ao crime. (Jul 2008) Precisamos de mais policiais, mas também precisamos de mais famílias. (Jun 2008) Reduza a reincidência fornecendo suporte para ex-ofensor. (Fevereiro de 2008) Proibir o perfil racial eliminar disparidades na sentença. (Fevereiro de 2008) Tenha uma divisão de direitos civis para impor leis de forma justa e justa. (Janeiro de 2008) GovWatch: Não, mais jovens negros na faculdade do que na prisão. (Janeiro de 2008) A falta de execução determina o tom para mais crimes de ódio. (Dezembro de 2007) Legislação protegendo os detidos da polícia durante o interrogatório. (Novembro de 2007) Incumbe a conta de Illinois para gravar todos os interrogatórios de capital. (Out 2007) Nenhuma penalidade extra para associação de gangues. (Out 2007) Trabalha em leis de ex-ofensor porque poderia ter sido ele. (Ago 2007) Precisa de justiça que não é só nós, mas é todo mundo. (Jun 2007) A pena de morte reformada por ouvir comprometer. (Fevereiro de 2007) Alguns crimes hediondos justificam o castigo final. (Out 2006) Videotape todos os interrogatórios de pena capital. (Out 2006) Passaram 150 leis para endurecer penas por crimes violentos. (Out 2004) Restringe as regras de entrada da polícia, para proteger nossas liberdades civis. (Out 2004) A pena de morte deve ser aplicada de forma justa e com cautela. (Out 2004) A pena de morte não deve discriminar por membros da gangue. (Out 2004) Batalhas legislativamente contra a pena de morte. (Julho de 2004) Apoia sentença e reabilitação alternativas. (Julho de 1998) votou sim na recuperação de 1.15 bilhões de recursos para o programa COPS. (Março de 2007) Aumentar o financiamento para COPS no programa BEAT. (Janeiro de 2007) Reduza a reincidência ao dar aos infratores uma segunda chance. (Mar 2007) Barack Obama sobre drogas Clique aqui para 18 citações completas sobre drogas ou outros candidatos sobre drogas ou antecedentes sobre drogas. Nós compartilhamos o problema das drogas transfronteiriças com o México. (Sep 2012) Fast Furious foi completamente erronea, nós o paramos. (Set 2012) OpEd: Mais mexicanos mortos na guerra de drogas do que soldados no Iraque. (Aug 2009) Sim, ele ainda fuma enquanto presidente. (Jun 2009) Veja a troca de agulhas e expande o tratamento. (Fevereiro de 2008) Luta para livrar nossas comunidades de metanfetamina. (Fevereiro de 2008) Expand tribunais de drogas ajudam prisioneiros com abuso de substâncias. (Fevereiro de 2008) 2001: questiona penalidades severas para o tráfico de drogas. (Out 2007) Não é o primeiro candidato a usar drogas, mas primeiro honesto sobre isso. (Out 2007) Não diminua a idade de beber de 21 a 18. (Set 2007) Experimentou com cocaína, mas recusou a heroína. (Agosto de 2007) Um fumante secreto, especialmente em torno de repórteres. (Agosto de 2007) Fumar cigarros agora fumaram algum pote no ensino médio. (Fevereiro de 2007) Uso de maconha admitido na faculdade do ensino médio. (Janeiro de 2007) Lidar com o tráfico de drogas no nível da rua como um assunto de salário mínimo. (Out 2006) Compreenda por que os jovens querem usar drogas. (Agosto de 1996) Termine a sentença mais severa para crack versus cocaína em pó. (Jun 2007) Exigir revendedores químicos para certificar contra o uso de metanfetamina. (Set 2007) Barack Obama on Education Clique aqui para 74 citações completas sobre Educação OU outros candidatos em Educação OU antecedentes em Educação. Aulas universais de Pre-K e informática no horizonte. (Janeiro de 2016) Reduzir o custo do colégio comunitário para zero. (Jan 2015) Race to the Top para o nosso mais jovem: pré-K disponível para todos. (Jan 2014) Re-equipar as escolas secundárias para treinar para emprego agora. (Fevereiro de 2013) Reformamos escolas em 46 estados, com seus governadores. (Out 2012) A Lei de Recuperação evitou demissões agora contratar mais professores. (Setembro de 2012) 100 mil novos professores de matemática da ciência na próxima década. (Sep 2012) Educar para Inovar: novo corpo nacional de professores de STEM. (Set 2012) Para fazer a diferença para as crianças, se tornar um professor. (Fevereiro de 2011) Educar para Inovar a campanha: tornar a US superior em ciência da matemática. (Set 2010) A saída do ensino médio está saindo no seu país. (Fevereiro de 2009) Invista na educação infantil e no ensino superior. (Agosto de 2008) A luta pela justiça econômica social começa na sala de aula. (Julho de 2008) Faça da política de ciência da matemática uma prioridade nacional. (Jul 2008) Precisamos de um verdadeiro compromisso com a educação em vez disso, obtivemos NCLB. (Junho de 2008) 10 bilhões para garantir a educação infantil para todos. (Jun 2008) A ciência da evolução não é compatível com a fé cristã. (Abr de 2008) A mãe abriu em casa Obama em inglês enquanto na Indonésia. (Abr de 2008) Primeira Agenda das Crianças: educação zero para cinco. (Fevereiro de 2008) Coloque bilhões de dólares em educação infantil. (Janeiro de 2008) Precisa de programas pós-escola e de verão com bons parentes. (Janeiro de 2008) Faça com que os pais se reenguem na educação das crianças. (Dezembro de 2007) Programa nacional para reconstruir edifícios escolares em ruínas. (Set 2007) STEP UP: oportunidades de aprendizagem de verão para pessoas desfavorecidas. (Ago 2007) Nós deixamos o dinheiro para trás para No Child Left Behind. (Agosto de 2007) A Suprema Corte estava errada na decisão anti-integração da escola. (Julho de 2007) Corte os bancos e adicione 4.5 bilhões para empréstimos da faculdade. (Março de 2007) Garantia de educação a longo prazo e de qualidade superior acessível. (Jun 2006) Race to the Top: 46 estados competiram pela reforma criativa. (Out 2005) Educação sexual necessária para ajudar as crianças a discutir a agressão. (Out 2004) Fornecer financiamento decente e livrar-se do anti-intelectualismo. (Julho de 2004) Abordar o crescente fosso de realização entre estudantes. (Maio de 2004) Adicionará 25 mil professores em áreas de alta necessidade. (Maio de 2004) Priorizar o colégio comunitário gratuito e reduzir a dívida estudantil. (Janeiro de 2016) Scorecard da faculdade: compare as escolas por preços acessíveis. (Fevereiro de 2013) 2 milhões de slots adicionais em nossas faculdades comunitárias. (Out 2012) Corte o intermediário sobre empréstimos estudantis dos bancos. (Out 2012) Mais financiamento educacional da primeira infância através de concessões Pell. (Set 2012) Michelle: Nós éramos tão jovens, tão apaixonados e tão endividados. (Set 2012) Faça faculdades comunitárias em centros de carreira comunitários. (Jan 2012) OpEd: Estudo de vistos para estrangeiros significa fuga de cérebros no exterior. (Janeiro de 2011) Os empregos hoje exigem, pelo menos, um diploma de bacharelado. (Setembro de 2010) Crédito tributário da faculdade 10K perdoa empréstimos para serviço público. (Janeiro de 2010) 2.500 crédito tributário para todos os quatro anos da faculdade. (Fevereiro de 2009) Crédito tributável de 4000 reembolsável para a faculdade de faculdade comunitária. (Agosto de 2008) Para competir, os alunos precisam de pelo menos H. S. Grau académico. (Jun 2008) Pague por educação universitária para aqueles que se comprometem com o ensino. (Junho de 2008) 4.000 propinas universitárias por 100 horas de serviço público por ano. (Fevereiro de 2008) Incentivos de mérito Poses de educação de Romney em comparação com Obama. (Jan 2012) FactCheck: Race to the Top só recompensou 12 estados. (Janeiro de 2011) Race to the Top: recompensa a inovação nas escolas públicas. (Janeiro de 2011) Recompensar escolas bem-sucedidas, em vez de financiar o status quo. (Janeiro de 2010) Voluntário em seu bairro, ajudamos a pagar a faculdade. (Fevereiro de 2009) Mérito pagar ok se com base na carreira em vez de um único teste. (Abr de 2008) Pague professores mestres extra, mas com buy-in dos professores. (Ago 2007) Incentivos para contratar um milhão de professores na próxima década. (Jun 2007) Pague aos professores mais dinheiro, trate-os como profissionais. (Junho de 2007) Mais remuneração dos professores em troca de mais responsabilidade dos professores. (Oct 2006) Free public college for any student with B-average. (Jul 1998) School Choice Opposes D. C. Opportunity Scholarship Program. (Feb 2012) Increase school choice accountability within NCLB. (Feb 2011) I doubled charter schools in Illinois but no vouchers. (Oct 2008) Vouchers dont solve the problems of our schools. (Oct 2008) FactCheck: McCain for national reforms also DC vouchers. (Oct 2008) Supports charter schools its important to experiment. (Feb 2008) We need a sense of urgency about improving education system. (Sep 2007) Sends kids to private school but wants good schools for all. (Jul 2007) Public school system status quo is indefensible. (Oct 2006) Supports charter schools and private investment in schools. (Jul 1998) Voting Record First Senate bill: increase Pell Grant from 4,050 to 5,100. (Aug 2007) Sponsored legislations that recruit and reward good teachers. (Sep 2004) Voted YES on 52M for 21st century community learning centers. (Oct 2005) Voted YES on 5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005) Voted YES on shifting 11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005) Barack Obama on Energy Oil Click here for 99 full quotes on Energy Oil OR 18 older headlines OR other candidates on Energy Oil OR background on Energy Oil. FactCheck: US Is biggest oil gas producer, but privately. (Jan 2015) FactCheck: Wind solar doubled, but now only 1.4 of energy. (Feb 2013) Gas was cheap in early 2009 because the economy collapsed. (Oct 2012) Oil companies had leases on public lands they werent using. (Oct 2012) Develop 100-year natural gas supply its beneath our feet. (Sep 2012) FactCheck: Promised for 3 years to end oil industry subsidy. (Jan 2012) FactCheck: Oil dependence low but gas prices highest ever. (Jan 2012) Cap-and-trade will cause electricity rates to skyrocket. (Dec 2011) De-facto moratorium on shallow as well as deepwater drilling. (Nov 2010) Offshore drilling ok if part of comprehensive energy package. (Aug 2009) One million 150-mpg plug-in hybrids on road by 2014. (Aug 2008) GovWatch: Opposes Yucca Mountain for nuclear waste storage. (Jun 2008) Nuclear power ok if we safeguard against waste terrorism. (Sep 2007) 3-way win: economy, environment, stop funding terror. (Jun 2006) Conserve, develop alternative fuels, increase efficiencies. (Oct 2004) Increase CAFE to 40 mpg. (Jun 2004) Reduce the consumption of energy and be more efficient. (Jan 2008) Energy Independence FactCheck: Yes, more domestic oil, but due to new technology. (Jan 2014) Lowest oil imports and highest oil production in 16 years. (Oct 2012) Does anyone think Exxon-Mobil needs a subsidy (Oct 2012) All-of-the-above approach to reduce foreign dependence. (Sep 2012) All-of-the-above energy enough natural gas or 100 years. (Jan 2012) FactCheck: clean coal isnt ready nuke waste is unresolved. (Jan 2011) Big promoter of clean coal technology nukes. (Jan 2010) Lets build a fuel-efficient car in America, not abroad. (Oct 2008) Ten years to eliminate dependence on foreign oil. (Oct 2008) 15B to free us from foreign oil in 10 years. (Oct 2008) FactCheck: Reluctant on nuclear power in past now favors it. (Oct 2008) Drilling is a stop-gap measure, not a long-term solution. (Aug 2008) More Alaska oil gas leases, plus new gas pipeline. (Aug 2008) Political climate at fault for failing energy independence. (Jul 2008) Raise fuel efficiency standards to reduce long-term demand. (Apr 2008) Fuel efficiency and Middle East stability help on fuel costs. (Oct 2007) Explore nuclear power as part of alternative energy mix. (Jul 2007) Stop sending 800M a day to Mideast dictators for oil. (Mar 2007) We cannot drill our way out of our addiction to oil. (Oct 2006) Free America from its dependence on foreign oil. (Jul 2004) Global Warming Make technology work for us on climate change. (Jan 2016) 14 warmest years on record occurred in last 15 years. (Jan 2015) China has agreed with US rest of world will now follow. (Jan 2015) FactCheck: Yes, US reduced CO2 tonnage, but thats only 6. (Jan 2014) Debate is settled: climate change is a fact. (Jan 2014) Bipartisan market-based solution to climate change. (Feb 2013) We must do more to combat climate change. (Feb 2013) First-ever carbon pollution limits for new oil coal plants. (Sep 2012) Cap-and-trade will make electricity prices skyrocket. (Feb 2012) New coal plants ok if they pay for greenhouse gas emission. (May 2010) Slash emissions from 5,972 mmt in 2005 to 4,957 mmt. (Apr 2010) Cap-and-trade: lower CO2 levels by fees on carbon emissions. (Nov 2009) History will pass judgment on our response to climate change. (Sep 2009) OpEd: Understands that US is biggest source of emissions. (Aug 2009) FactCheck: US imports less oil today than in 2005. (Feb 2009) All nations must act to reduce carbon emissions. (Jul 2008) Include clean coal in clean energy future. (Jul 2008) 150B investment over 10 years to reduce oil usage by 35. (May 2008) Figure out how to sequester carbon and burn clean coal. (May 2008) GOP right on cap--trade: guidelines instead of bureaucracy. (Apr 2008) Reduce carbon emissions by 80 by 2050. (Feb 2008) Aggressively address accelerating climate change. (Dec 2007) Cap-and-trade carbon emissions raise CAFE standard. (Jun 2007) Cap-and-trade is more specific on reducing greenhouse gases. (Jan 2006) 20 nations power supply from renewable sources by 2020. (Sep 2004) Green Energy Clean energy for climate change creating new business. (Jan 2016) 7 years of investment in solar wind nationwide. (Jan 2016) Natural gas is a bridge fuel then go solar. (Jan 2014) Energy Security Trust: oil gas tax funds green energy RD. (Feb 2013) Invest in clean energy because China Germany will. (Oct 2012) Doubled use of renewable energy doubled car fuel efficiency. (Sep 2012) 90B for clean energy biggest investment in history. (Sep 2012) 2009: Spark a clean energy transformation. (Feb 2012) Dont cede wind, or solar, or battery industry to foreigners. (Jan 2012) Clean energy on public lands, and for defense department. (Jan 2012) OpEd: Sunlight water into fuel Share info with the world. (Jan 2011) Subsidize clean energy by canceling oil subsidies. (Jan 2011) More incentives for clean energy, including nuclear. (Jan 2010) 2006: FutureGen is the future of coal, with carbon capture. (Nov 2009) 15B in clean energy plus market-based cap on carbon. (Feb 2009) FactCheck: Chevy Volt uses Korean battery, but Fords dont. (Feb 2009) Cellulosic ethanol more energy-efficient than corn-based. (Jan 2009) GovWatch: 150B for electric car batteries new technology. (Jun 2008) Harness homegrown, alternative fuels like ethanol. (Feb 2007) Wants Detroit to build more hybrids use more ethanol. (Oct 2006) Renewable Fuels Standard: require ethanol in fuel supply. (May 2004) Voting Record Passed tax credit for installing E85 ethanol at gas stations. (Feb 2008) Voted YES on removing oil gas exploration subsidies. (Jun 2007) Voted YES on making oil-producing and exporting cartels illegal. (Jun 2007) Voted YES on factoring global warming into federal project planning. (May 2007) Voted YES on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaskas ANWR. (Nov 2005) Voted YES on 3.1B for emergency oil assistance for hurricane-hit areas. (Oct 2005) Voted YES on reducing oil usage by 40 by 2025 (instead of 5). (Jun 2005) Voted YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Mar 2005) Sponsored bill for tax credit for providing 85 ethanol gas. (Apr 2005) Sponsored bill to notify public when nuclear releases occur. (Mar 2006) Sponsored bill raising CAFE by a 4 per year until 2018. (Jul 2006) Rated 100 by the CAF. indicating support for energy independence. (Dec 2006) Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. (Jan 2007) Designate sensitive ANWR area as protected wilderness. (Nov 2007) Set goal of 25 renewable energy by 2025. (Jan 2007) Let states define stricter-than-federal emission standards. (Jan 2008) Barack Obama on Environment Click here for 37 full quotes on Environment OR other candidates on Environment OR background on Environment. First reform of food safety laws in more than 70 years. (Sep 2012) Bolster the use of organic farming methods. (Sep 2012) National clean water framework: protect Americas waters. (Sep 2012) Establish Great Lakes Restoration and National Ocean Policy. (Sep 2012) Monitor health of fisheries establish pollution diet. (Sep 2012) BP spill was biggest environmental disaster ever faced. (Oct 2011) Sent 17,500 troops and 1,400 ships to deal with BP spill. (Oct 2011) Promised that anyone losing job in spill would get BP check. (Nov 2010) Top USDA priority: make sure all kids are well-fed. (May 2010) Cash for Clunkers: 4,500 to trade in old car for new. (May 2010) Greenhouse gases declared dangerous to public health. (May 2010) Government should invest in clean energy green jobs. (Oct 2008) 150B over next 10 years for green energy sector. (Aug 2008) Support reforestation as carbon sequestration issue. (Jul 2008) Willing to suspend ethanol subsidy to keep food prices down. (May 2008) Genesis teaches stewardship of earth: sacrifice for future. (Apr 2008) 1980s: Tested for asbestos at Chicago housing project. (Apr 2008) Regulate animal feeding operations for pollution. (Feb 2008) Will end the notion of Yucca Mountain nuclear storage. (Jan 2008) Promote green technologies and fuel efficiency standards. (Dec 2007) Organized inner-city recycling fought environmental racism. (Oct 2007) Reduce mercury and lead to protect community health. (Aug 2007) Protect the Great Lakes our National Parks and Forests. (Aug 2007) 1985: Organized asbestos removal in Chicago housing project. (Aug 2007) Give Katrina contracts to locals, not to Halliburton. (Jun 2007) Health Care for Hybrids proposal for fuel efficiency. (Mar 2007) Three months working on minority students recycling. (Aug 1996) Legislative Record 2005: Worked with Sen. Coburn (R, OK) on Katrina oversight. (Apr 2012) Stimulus bill earmark for LA-Vegas mag-lev railway. (May 2010) Passed lead abatement 24 other laws in IL Senate. (Aug 2007) Scored 60 on Humane Society Scorecard on animal protection. (Jan 2007) Voted YES on including oil gas smokestacks in mercury regulations. (Sep 2005) Tax credit to remove lead-based housepaint. (Nov 2005) Establish commission to examine Katrina response. (Sep 2005) Sponsored health impact bill for environmental health. (Apr 2006) Inter-state compact for Great Lakes water resources. (Jul 2008) Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting. (Jan 2007) Barack Obama on Families Children Click here for 22 full quotes on Families Children OR other candidates on Families Children OR background on Families Children. Families arent looking for handouts, but for a fair shot. (Jan 2015) Childcare is an economic priority not a side-issue. (Jan 2015) Everything else is unfulfilled if we fail at family. (Apr 2014) Lets Move partnership: reduce childhood obesity. (Jan 2014) Pass the Violence Against Women Act. (Feb 2013) Familys unconditional love more important than money. (Sep 2012) OpEd: Says families are off-limits but attacks opponents. (Nov 2009) Help families with paid sick days and better family leave. (Aug 2008) Parents provide guidance by turning off TV video games. (Jul 2008) Zero-to-Five plan: childcare for working parents. (Jul 2008) Admit that too many fathers are missing from too many homes. (Jun 2008) I know what it means to have an absent father. (Jun 2008) Reward fathers who pay child support with larger EITC. (Jun 2008) Teach both abstinence and contraception to teens. (Apr 2008) Expand flex-work Family and Medical Leave Act. (Feb 2008) Parents should control whats coming over the airwaves. (Jan 2008) Restore dream of making childrens lives better than parents. (Dec 2007) All kids should learn about sexual abuse. (Jul 2007) FactCheck: Sex Ed for Kindergarten means age-appropriate. (Jul 2007) Listening to evangelicals bridges major political fault line. (Oct 2006) Sponsored bill banning high lead levels in childrens toys. (Nov 2005) Call for a White House Conference on Children and Youth. (Mar 2008) Barack Obama on Foreign Policy Click here for 102 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR 9 older headlines OR other candidates on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy. World order in flux but US still dominates. (Jan 2016) US should learn lessons from Iraq and Vietnam. (Jan 2016) Dont let our fears blind us to opportunity. (Jan 2015) Make sure both allies and enemies know where we stand. (Oct 2012) Every fact-checker concurs: I didnt apologize to Iran. (Oct 2012) Prepare for global pandemics with global partners. (Sep 2012) Avoid trap of military overstretch that destroys countries. (Jun 2012) America is the one indispensable nation in world affairs. (Jan 2012) Obamas international stances compared to Ron Pauls. (Jan 2012) OpEd: Claims poverty causes terrorism but theyre educated. (Nov 2010) No balance of power among nations will hold. (May 2010) OpEd: Life story gives him broad appeal beyond USA. (Mar 2010) OpEd: American Apology Tour: disliking USA understandable. (Mar 2010) I do not accept 2nd place for the USA. (Jan 2010) The UN has succeeded in avoiding a Third World War. (Dec 2009) Global Poverty Act: spend 0.7 of GDP on foreign aid. (Aug 2008) In Cold War, we won hearts minds now do same to world. (Jul 2008) Dangers of intertwined world cant be contained in borders. (Jul 2008) OpEd: Policy views based on experience in Kenya Indonesia. (Jul 2008) Important to undo the damage of the last seven years. (Feb 2008) Never negotiate out of fear, and never fear to negotiate. (Jan 2008) President must abide by international human rights treaties. (Dec 2007) Obama Doctrine: ideology has overridden facts and reality. (Dec 2007) No Obama Doctrine just democracy, security, liberty. (Oct 2007) 50B annually to strengthen weak states at risk of collapse. (Aug 2007) No strategic ambiguity on foreign policy issues. (Aug 2007) My critics engineered our biggest foreign policy disaster. (Aug 2007) Meet with enemy leaders its a disgrace that we have not. (Jul 2007) We cannot afford isolationism. (Mar 2007) Never has US had so much power so little influence to lead. (Jul 2004) US policy should promote democracy and human rights. (Jul 2004) Double access to electricity in Africa. (Jan 2014) Dressed in Africa in traditional garb, not Muslim attire. (Aug 2008) Majored in international affairs based on living abroad. (Jul 2008) Moral obligation to intervene in Darfur to avoid spillover. (Jul 2008) Wrote 2006 law stabilizing Congo with 52M. (Oct 2007) Increased aid to Republic of Congo. (Aug 2007) Visited largest slum in Africa, to publicize its plight. (Aug 2007) No-fly zone in Darfur but pay attention more in Africa. (Jun 2007) U. S. funds for humanitarian aid to Darfur. (Mar 2007) Protested South African apartheid while at college. (Feb 2007) Focus on corruption to improve African development. (Oct 2006) Visited Africa in 2006 encouraged HIV testing research. (Oct 2006) The Cold War is over lift 50-year embargo on Cuba. (Jan 2016) Cuba: When something doesnt work for 50 years, change it. (Jan 2015) Focus on BRICs: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. (Jun 2012) Cuba should reduce surcharge on remittances from US. (Apr 2009) OpEd: Maintaining Guantanamo base violates international law. (Jan 2009) Maintain Cuban embargo, but allow Americans to send money. (May 2008) Meet with Cuban leaders only with agenda of US interests. (Feb 2008) Cuba: Loosen restrictions now normalization later. (Feb 2008) Willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Kim Jung Il Hugo Chavez. (Nov 2007) Invest in our relationship with Mexico. (Sep 2007) 2009: Chose Japan PM as first visitor to emphasize alliance. (Jun 2014) Support stable transition to democracy in Burma elsewhere. (Feb 2013) Pivot to East Asia America is a Pacific power. (Oct 2012) We pushed China hard to raise currency exchange by 11. (Oct 2012) OpEd: North Korean behavior under Bush same as under Obama. (Aug 2011) 2007: Pledged to meet with leaders of Iran North Korea. (Aug 2009) 2007: Raids into Pakistan to kill high-value terrorists. (Aug 2009) We must be tough with Pakistan stop coddling Musharraf. (Sep 2008) Must be tough on Iran, but talk to them too. (Sep 2008) Learned privilege of being American by living in Indonesia. (Jul 2008) China is a competitor but not an enemy. (Dec 2007) U. S. needs to ameliorate trade relations with China. (Mar 2007) Russia is in tatters because of our steady resolve. (Jan 2015) Deal with Russia: no new missile defense in Eastern Europe. (Dec 2011) Weve been reactive for 8 years be proactive with Russia. (Oct 2008) Recent Russian actions in Georgia are unacceptable. (Sep 2008) In Berlin: proud citizen of US fellow citizen of the world. (Jul 2008) Cooperation among nations is not a choice its the only way. (Jul 2008) Chairs European subcommittee could hold Afghanistan hearing. (Jul 2008) Engage Russia regarding nuclear proliferation. (Jul 2008) Strengthen NATO to face 21st-century threats. (Aug 2007) Negotiations with Iran dont rely on trust. (Jan 2014) Libyans marching FOR America means weve been successful. (Oct 2012) I stand by time for Mubarak to go in Egyptian Revolution. (Oct 2012) Partner with Arab Spring countries to work toward democracy. (Sep 2012) Engage with Iran but combat Al Qaeda in Pakistan. (Jun 2012) 1.8B per year for mega-embassy in Iraq same in Afghanistan. (Jun 2010) Hamas election void until they renounce violence. (Jun 2010) Iran is more isolated and will face growing consequences. (Jan 2010) Fundamental commitment to strong US-Israel relationship. (Jan 2009) Kissinger agrees with me on meeting with enemy leaders. (Sep 2008) FactCheck: Kissinger opposes presidential meetings with Iran. (Sep 2008) My record on Israel is same as McCains. (Jul 2008) Appropriate for Israel to take out Syrian nuclear reactor. (Jul 2008) Jerusalem should be capital of Israel, pending final status. (Jul 2008) Jerusalem as joint Palestinian-Israeli capital is ok. (Jul 2008) Palestinian people suffer-but from not recognizing Israel. (Apr 2007) FactCheck: Palestinian suffering from stalled peace effort. (Apr 2007) Supports Israels self-defense but distrusted by Israelis. (Oct 2006) Resolutions At college, protested for divestment from South Africa. (Aug 2007) Voted YES on cooperating with India as a nuclear power. (Oct 2008) Sponsored aid bill to avert humanitarian crisis in Congo. (Dec 2005) Implement Darfur Peace Agreement with UN peacekeeping force. (Feb 2008) Urge Venezuela to re-open dissident radio TV stations. (May 2007) Let Ukraine Georgia enter NATO. (Jan 2008) Condemn violence by Chinese government in Tibet. (Apr 2008) Sanction Mugabe until Zimbabwe transitions to democracy. (Apr 2008) Afghan law tolerating marital rape is abhorrent. (Apr 2009) Pressure friendly Arab states to end Israeli boycott. (Oct 2007) Barack Obama on Free Trade Click here for 41 full quotes on Free Trade OR other candidates on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade. 21st century businesses need to sell more overseas. (Jan 2015) Export more goods stamped Made in the USA. (Jan 2014) Negotiate a Transatlantic and a Trans-Pacific Partnership. (Feb 2013) China is an adversary but also a potential partner. (Oct 2012) Develop alternatives to importing rare earths from China. (Sep 2012) Skeptical on whether China feels bound by global trade rules. (Jun 2012) Trade Enforcement Unit: inspections for safe imports. (Jan 2012) FactCheck: Chinese tire import ban replaced by other imports. (Jan 2012) Double our exports by 2014 starting with South Korea. (Jan 2011) FactCheck: Yes, exports up but not enough to double by 2014. (Jan 2011) Enforce trade being reciprocal not just a one-way street. (Jan 2010) More exports means more jobs double exports for 2M new jobs. (Jan 2010) We export only 4,000 cars to Korea thats not free trade. (Oct 2008) Trade is here to stay we have to compete. (Aug 2008) Global trade is unsustainable if it favors only the few. (Jul 2008) Assist workers who lose globalizations race to the bottom. (Jul 2008) Impossible to turn back globalization wed be worse off. (Jun 2008) Dont let trade policy be dictated by special interests. (Jun 2008) Strong labor, safety, and environmental standards on trade. (Feb 2008) More Transition Assistance for displaced workers. (Feb 2008) Enforce environmental labor provisions in trade agreements. (Jan 2008) Enforce existing safety laws against Chinese products. (Dec 2007) Congress subsidizes megafarms hurts family farmers. (Aug 2007) People dont want cheaper T-shirts if it costs their job. (Aug 2007) Reinvest in communities that are burdened by globalization. (Jun 2007) Fair trade should have tangible benefits for US. (Jun 2004) Free Trade Agreements TPP facilitates US control over Asian market. (Jan 2016) TPP cuts 18,000 taxes on products made in America. (Jan 2016) Trade agreements mean we sell Made in America to millions. (Sep 2012) Double US exports via deals with Panama, Colombia, S. Korea. (Jan 2012) China trade deal does too little on fairness compliance. (Aug 2008) NAFTA protects corporate profits should protect labor. (Jul 2008) Supports trade globalization but opposes CAFTA job loss. (Jul 2008) Peru trade OK because it includes labor enviro protections. (Jul 2008) NAFTA needs to be amended. (Dec 2007) Stand firm against CAFTA for labor environmental standards. (Aug 2007) Amend NAFTA to add labor agreements. (Aug 2007) Insist on labor and human rights standards for China trade. (Jul 2004) Voted YES on free trade agreement with Oman. (Jun 2006) Voted NO on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. (Jul 2005) Extend trade restrictions on Burma to promote democracy. (Jun 2007) Barack Obama on Government Reform Click here for 81 full quotes on Government Reform OR other candidates on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform. Governing cannot work without compromise. (Jan 2016) Weve got to make it easier to vote, not harder. (Jan 2016) Right to vote is sacred is being denied to too many. (Jan 2015) No one should wait more than a half-hour to vote. (Jan 2014) Waiting 6 or 7 hours to cast a ballot betrays our ideals. (Feb 2013) OpEd: Achieve via regulation what was blocked in legislation. (Feb 2012) OpEd: 2010 federal pay freeze was all smoke and mirrors. (Oct 2011) Open Government Initiative on first full day in office. (Apr 2011) OpEd: Broke promise to pay for every dime of new spending. (Jan 2011) Constitution says what states CANT do to you. (Nov 2010) Transition team ethics statement: No Ego, No Glory. (May 2010) Used signing statements, like Bush, 17 times in 2009. (May 2010) OpEd: shunning Fox News is like Nixons 1960s Enemies List. (Apr 2010) We face a deficit of trust, not just a budget deficit. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Yes, set up first reverse-revolving door policy. (Jan 2010) Economic agenda builds new foundation for lasting prosperity. (Feb 2009) Eliminate government programs that no longer work. (Aug 2008) FactCheck: Worked with McCain on ethics, but bill fell apart. (Aug 2008) Cabinet members should hold national town hall meetings. (Jul 2008) Need a government that listens to the people again. (Feb 2008) Give D. C. the opportunity to elect its own representatives. (Feb 2008) Bad idea to over-classify information. (Dec 2007) Bushs signing statements are a clear abuse of prerogative. (Dec 2007) Public submits policy ideas on Obamas My Policy website. (Oct 2007) Prayer cant prevent disasters good policy can handle them. (Aug 2007) Registered 150,000 new minority voters in Chicago in 1992. (Jul 2007) Half of us dont vote time for taking it back. (Jun 2007) Bush administration has done great damage to U. S. (Mar 2007) Filibuster has long tradition, but used to harm civil rights. (Oct 2006) Electing US Senators empowers people: keep 17th Amendment. (Oct 2004) People are really ready for a message for change. (Jul 2004) Campaign race baiting works in both directions. (Aug 1996) Campaign Finance Reform Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United. (Aug 2012) Ban insider trading by members of Congress. (Jan 2012) Citizens United decision: major victory for Big Oil. (Sep 2010) Only a few waivers on lobbyists in senior positions. (Jan 2010) Post all earmark request online before each vote. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Yes, agreed to public financing, then declined it. (Oct 2008) GovWatch: Promised public financing, and then retreated. (Jun 2008) AdWatch: I opt out of broken public campaign finance system. (Jun 2008) GovWatch: No, McCain RNC dont get much money from PACs. (Jun 2008) Lobbyists special interests have strangle-hold on agenda. (Feb 2008) Ended corporate jet travel subsidized by lobbyists. (Feb 2008) Never took money from federal lobbyists or their companies. (Jan 2008) No lobbyist money no PAC money fund campaigns instead. (Jan 2008) Money is the original sin in politics and I am not sinless. (Nov 2007) Reduced cost TV ads for candidates 85M presidential limit. (Oct 2007) Ok to take 5 donations from drug company employees. (Sep 2007) Public campaign financing with free television radio time. (Aug 2007) 1998: First law passed, 52-4, stripping legislator perks. (Aug 2007) 2004: Used state money for seemingly political mailing. (Aug 2007) No bundled money from federal-registered lobbyists. (Aug 2007) Campaigns last too long cost too much. (Aug 2007) Doesnt take PAC money or federal lobbyists money. (Jul 2007) People know his bundlers because he pushed disclosure law. (Jul 2007) FactCheck: no lobbyist money yes from bundlers who lobby. (Jul 2007) First bill ever passed was campaign finance reform. (Apr 2007) FactCheck: no lobbyist money, yes from lobbyist spouses. (Apr 2007) Hopefund PAC pushes government to honor sacred commitments. (Nov 2006) Lobbyist influence comes from access, not money. (Oct 2006) Earmark Reform Would love line-item veto, but start with earmark reform. (Jan 2010) Freeze discretionary government spending for 3 years. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Yes, earmarks total 18B in this years budget. (Oct 2008) Eliminating earmarks isnt enough but Ill check every line. (Sep 2008) Google for Government: let public track federal grants. (Jul 2008) Use technology to shine a light on spending. (Jun 2008) Consistently in favor of more disclosure around earmarks. (Feb 2008) Created a publicly searchable database on earmarks spending. (Feb 2008) Shine light on federal contracts, earmarks, proposed bills. (Feb 2008) Create Google for Government to track government spending. (Aug 2007) Sponsored bill to disclose earmarks on Internet. (Oct 2006) Voting Record FactCheck: Yes, Obama cast 130 present votes in IL Senate. (Jan 2008) Voted YES on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007) Voted NO on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006) Voted YES on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity. (Mar 2006) Election reform is 1 priority to prevent disenfranchisement. (Jan 2001) Sponsored bill criminalizing deceptive info about elections. (Nov 2005) Sponsored resolution rejecting photo ID for voting. (Sep 2005) Sponsored bill to post earmarks on the Internet. (Jan 2006) Prohibit voter intimidation in federal elections. (Mar 2007) Prohibit voter caging which intimidates minority voting. (Nov 2007) Barack Obama on Gun Control Click here for 18 full quotes on Gun Control OR other candidates on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control. Stricter gun rules, with or without Congress. (Jan 2014) Gun violence victims deserve a vote. (Feb 2013) I believe in 2nd Amendment, but not war weapons on streets. (Oct 2012) Fast-and-Furious: no prosecutions for Mexican gundrug snafu. (Jun 2012) Midwestern bitter clingers frustrated over broken promises. (Aug 2009) Opposed bill okaying illegal gun use in home invasions. (Aug 2008) Ok for states cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008) FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008) April 2008: Bittergate labeled Obama elitist. (Apr 2008) Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008) Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008) 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007) Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007) Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007) Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006) Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004) Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998) Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005) Barack Obama on Health Care Click here for 116 full quotes on Health Care OR 37 older headlines OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care. Prioritize finding a cure for cancer. (Jan 2016) All kids should get vaccinated, but not by law. (Feb 2015) ObamaCare didnt crush jobs nor explode deficits. (Jan 2015) Ebola teaches us how to prevent future pandemics. (Jan 2015) FactCheck: Yes, 10 million newly insured last year. (Jan 2015) An AIDS-free generation is within our reach. (Feb 2013) We reduced senior Rx prices pushed preventive care. (Oct 2012) I dont think Medicare vouchers are the way to go. (Oct 2012) Voucher system puts seniors at mercy of insurance companies. (Oct 2012) Too many Americans skip preventive care due to cost. (Sep 2012) FactCheck: ObamaCare covers only 12 of 30 million uninsured. (Jan 2012) OpEd: Incremental plan builds on patchwork system. (Aug 2008) 2003 Rx Drug Bill combined worst of public private sectors. (Aug 2008) Give more help to those denied a life of dignity respect. (Jul 2008) Address minority health needs by more coverage targeting. (Mar 2007) Allow prescription drug re-importation. (May 2004) Lead eradication of malaria and HIV, like we did with Ebola. (Jan 2016) Advocated condom use to avoid AIDS at Saddleback Church. (Jan 2010) CDC estimate: a half million would follow Obamas AIDS test. (Aug 2008) Use whatever works with AIDS, including teaching abstinence. (Apr 2008) We need condom distribution to deal with the scourge of AIDS. (Aug 2007) Homophobia prevents talking about HIVAIDS. (Jun 2007) Got tested for AIDS, with wife, in public, in Kenya. (Jun 2007) Curing AIDS must be all-hands-on-deck effort. (Mar 2007) Lead global fight against AIDS. (Jul 2004) 18 millions people have gained health insurance. (Jan 2016) FactCheck: 7M new Medicaid includes woodwork normal churn. (Feb 2014) 12 million covered zero denied for pre-existing conditions. (Jan 2014) Boards of experts identify best practices keep costs down. (Oct 2012) ObamaCare says insurance companies cant jerk you around. (Oct 2012) Ignored advice to postpone reform, because it was needed. (Sep 2012) They called ObamaCare Armageddon, but no asteroids fell. (Oct 2011) Repealing healthcare reform would cost 250B. (Jan 2011) Medicare is major driver of our long-term liabilities. (Jan 2010) Zero fines no mandate for small business. (Oct 2008) No exclusions for pre-existing conditions. (Oct 2008) Health care is a right: somethings fundamentally wrong now. (Oct 2008) Ban insurance companies from discriminating against the sick. (Aug 2008) Include everyone who wants insurance in national pool. (Aug 2008) Ive got a health plan and a plan to get it implemented. (Jun 2008) Voluntary universal participation, like in Medicare Part B. (Feb 2008) Buy private insurance via National Health Insurance Exchange. (Feb 2008) Against enforcement mechanism for mandating insurance. (Jan 2008) Subsidies to people who cant afford care--not single payer. (Jan 2008) Problem isnt mandating coverage, but affording it. (Nov 2007) Cautious incremental plan offers choice subsidy. (Nov 2007) Tackle insurance companies on reimbursement system. (Oct 2007) Government healthcare like members of Congress have. (Sep 2007) Morally wrong that terminally ill must consider money. (Sep 2007) Increase competition in the insurance and drug markets. (Aug 2007) National Health Insurance Exchange for private coverage. (Aug 2007) Give people the choice to buy affordable health care. (Jun 2007) Employers are going to have to pay or play. (Mar 2007) The market alone cant solve our health-care woes. (Oct 2006) Health care tied to balancing costs and taxes nation wide. (Jun 2006) 2008: must be national system not state-level pilots. (Oct 2005) Will expand health coverage allow meds to be re-imported. (May 2004) Obamacare Criticism OpEd: Passing ObamaCare with no GOP caused long-term rancor. (May 2014) FactCheck: Some Medicare premiums went up under ObamaCare. (Jan 2014) FactCheck: Yes, 9M signed up, but only 3M are newly insured. (Jan 2014) Lie of the Year: If you like your plan, you can keep it. (Dec 2013) ObamaCare and RomneyCare both expand private insurance. (Oct 2012) OpEd: ObamaCare passed by constitutionally suspect tactics. (Apr 2012) 2009: Accused of Obamunism and Chains We Can Believe In. (Oct 2011) OpEd: True cost of ObamaCare was end of bipartisanship. (Oct 2011) OpEd: No authority to micromanage citizens healthcare. (Jul 2011) FactCheck: healthcare reform saves 2B to 10B, not 250B. (Jan 2011) OpEd: Obamas public responsibility for health is socialism. (Nov 2010) OpEd: Slices 500B from Medicare repeals Medicare Advantage. (Apr 2010) OpEd: Obamacare decides when life is worth preserving. (Apr 2010) OpEd: authority to require private insurance purchases (Apr 2010) OpEd: ObamaCare was achieved by Cuba 50 years ago. (Mar 2010) OpEd: cut 622B in Medicare despite claiming no cuts. (Mar 2010) High-risk pool for uninsured, now in plan, was GOP idea. (Jan 2010) Cross-state-line insurance leads to cherry-picking. (Jan 2010) Tort reform only saves 5B per year not enough to matter. (Jan 2010) Didnt tackle healthcare for political benefit, its needed. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Obamas estimate of 1T saved is closer to 132B. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Exempts small business, but no 2,500yr savings. (Oct 2008) 15B subsidies to private insurers was a lobbyist giveaway. (Sep 2008) End-of-life self-medication ok euthanasia by others not ok. (Apr 2008) AdWatch: punishing uninsured families doesnt make sense. (Feb 2008) FactCheck: Yes, Obama favored single-payer, despite denial. (Jan 2008) FactCheck: OPPORTUNITY to insure all, but no GUARANTEE. (Jan 2008) FactCheck: Reducing obesity would save 18B, not 1T. (Dec 2007) FactCheck: Correct that insurance lobbying cost 1B. (Sep 2007) Reform failed in 90s because of drug company lobbying. (Jul 2007) Universal Coverage Shifting Medicaid to states means some people dont get help. (Oct 2012) Add 2,000 new primary-care residency spots. (Apr 2010) 2009: Expanded SCHIP by loosening eligibility standards. (Nov 2009) Reduce premiums and uninsured get same coverage as Congress. (Oct 2008) When your child gets sick, you dont shop for best bargain. (Jul 2008) If we started from scratch, one-payer system would be best. (Jul 2008) Universal health care means anyone who wants it can get it. (Feb 2008) Mandating kids insurance ok mandating adults has problems. (Feb 2008) Young adults up to age 25 can be covered under parents plan. (Feb 2008) Adults will get health care as they can afford it. (Feb 2008) No one turned away due to illness or pre-existing condition. (Feb 2008) AdWatch: Pressure insurance drug companies to change. (Jan 2008) Being poor in this country is hazardous to your health. (Dec 2007) Added 20,000 children to Illinois healthcare. (Oct 2007) National insurance pool catastrophic insurance. (Apr 2007) Healthcare system is broken without lifetime employment. (Oct 2006) Focus on the affordability of a broad healthcare plan. (Jan 2006) Crises happen in our lives and healthcare is necessary. (Oct 2004) Voting Record No need to mandate coverage just let people afford it. (Jul 2007) Voted NO on means-testing to determine Medicare Part D premium. (Mar 2008) Voted YES on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D. (Apr 2007) Voted YES on expanding enrollment period for Medicare Part D. (Feb 2006) Voted YES on increasing Medicaid rebate for producing generics. (Nov 2005) Voted YES on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug. (Mar 2005) Increase funding for AIDS treatment prevention. (Jan 2001) More funding for Rx benefits, community health, CHIPs. (Jan 2001) Improve services for people with autism their families. (Apr 2007) Establish a national childhood cancer database. (Mar 2007) Preserve access to Medicaid SCHIP during economic downturn. (Apr 2008) Barack Obama on Homeland Security Click here for 109 full quotes on Homeland Security OR other candidates on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security. We spend more on military than next 8 nations combined. (Jan 2016) Talk of economic decline military weakness is just hot air. (Jan 2016) Finish the job: its time to close Gitmo. (Jan 2015) Defense cuts bad but non-defense cuts even worse. (Feb 2013) Lasting peace does not require perpetual war. (Jan 2013) Dont give military money that theyre not asking for. (Oct 2012) Take money from war budgets and fund nation-building at home. (Jan 2012) Reduce defense spending 1 in 2013 add 2 per year after. (Jan 2012) OpEd: On track to spend most on military since WWII. (Jun 2010) Called for space weapons ban, but with wiggle room. (Jun 2010) Let gay people serve in military openly. (Jan 2010) US has helped underwrite global security for 60 years. (Dec 2009) Promises to close Guantanamo treat prisoners as POWs. (Sep 2009) Doors of NATO are open (but that threatens Russia). (Apr 2009) FactCheck: F-22 Raptor costs 140M and has never been used. (Feb 2009) Obama Doctrine: moral interest as well as national interest. (Oct 2008) Inappropriate to lie to public just dont answer questions. (Sep 2008) We should have focused on loose nukes Al Qaeda after 911. (Aug 2008) Grandfather served in Pattons tank corps in WWII. (Aug 2008) Colleges must allow military recruiters for ROTC on campus. (Jan 2008) Human rights and national security are complementary. (Nov 2007) Judgment is as important as experience. (Oct 2007) Repeal Dont-Ask-Dont-Tell. (Aug 2007) America must practice the patriotism it preaches. (Mar 2007) Get first responders the healthcare and equipment they need. (Mar 2007) Need to be both strong and smart on national defense. (Oct 2006) Grow size of military to maintain rotation schedules. (Oct 2006) We are currently inspecting 3 of all incoming cargo. (Oct 2004) Give our soldiers the best equipment and training available. (Jul 2004) National Service Serving America doesnt mean going out shopping. (Oct 2008) 4,000 tuition tax credit in exchange for community service. (Jun 2008) Expand Peace Corps and AmeriCorps to 266,000 slots. (Feb 2008) Put forward a national service program. (Jan 2008) Give 18-year-old women opportunity to serve. (Dec 2007) Register women for draft, but not for combat. (Jul 2007) Nuclear Weapons OpEd: Selectively assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists. (Jan 2011) New START treaty: more secure fewer nuclear weapons. (Jan 2011) Strengthen NPT to have automatic sanctions on Iran. (Jun 2010) OpEd: walked away from missile defense of Eastern Europe. (Mar 2010) Secure all worlds nuclear materials by international treaty. (Jan 2010) Reduce US nuclear stockpile prevent spread of nukes. (Dec 2009) Goal is a world without nuclear weapons. (Aug 2008) A New Beginning: seek world with no nuclear weapons. (Aug 2008) Seek the peace of a world without nuclear weapons. (Jul 2008) 2007: With Hagel, introduced nuclear nonproliferation bill. (Mar 2008) Pursue goal of a world without nuclear weapons. (Feb 2008) Rebuild a nuclear nonproliferation strategy. (Jan 2008) 2006: Obama-Lugar bill restricted conventional weapons. (Oct 2007) 2005: Passed bill to reduce conventional weapon stockpiles. (Aug 2007) Protecting nuclear power plants is of utmost importance. (Mar 2007) Rebuild the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. (Jan 2006) Increase funding to decommission Russian nukes. (Jul 2004) OpEd: Did not prosecute official acts of torture. (Jun 2016) Self-defeating to overstate ISIS threat. (Jan 2016) Define legal framework for targeting detaining terrorists. (Feb 2013) We have brought 9-11 planners to justice. (Oct 2012) Remain vigilant focus forcefully on groups like al Qaeda. (Sep 2012) OpEd: Failed promise to close Guantanamo loses left votes. (Jun 2011) OpEd: torture ban just repositions torture to outside US. (Jun 2010) No habeas right for detainees outside of US. (Jun 2010) Moving Gitmo to Illinois was logistically legally complex. (May 2010) OpEd: treat terrorist threats as criminal not acts of war. (May 2010) OpEd: Promised to close Guantanamo but its still open. (Apr 2010) Hundreds of al Qaeda have been captured last year. (Jan 2010) OpEd: accused of palling around with terrorist Bill Ayers. (Nov 2009) Strategic issue is where to send how to fund our troops. (Sep 2008) Disrupting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan prevented another 911. (Sep 2008) Islam in 1970s was not opposed to West rule of law. (Jul 2008) Go after al Qaeda but also shrink pool of potential recruits. (Jul 2008) No torture no renditions no operating out of fear. (Apr 2008) Al Qaida is stronger now than in 2001 as Iraq distracted us. (Jan 2008) No presidential power for secret surveillance. (Dec 2007) No holding US citizens as unlawful enemy combatants. (Dec 2007) Congress decides what constitutes torture, not president. (Dec 2007) No torture defiance of FISA no military commissions. (Dec 2007) Restore habeas corpus to reach Muslims abroad. (Dec 2007) Dont allow our politics to be driven by fear of terrorism. (Nov 2007) If attacked, first help victims then prevent further attacks. (Oct 2007) America cannot sanction torture no loopholes or exceptions. (Sep 2007) We are no safer now than we were after 911. (Aug 2007) Close Guantanamo and restore the right of habeas corpus. (Jun 2007) Homeland security must protect citizens, not intrude on them. (Mar 2007) Personal privacy must be protected even in terrorism age. (Mar 2007) Battling terrorism must go beyond belligerence vs. isolation. (Oct 2006) Going after Al Qaeda in Pakistan is not Bush-style invasion. (Jan 2006) Balance domestic intelligence reform with civil liberty risk. (Jul 2004) Unacceptable to have veterans drive 250 miles to a hospital. (Feb 2008) Improve veterans mental health treatment PTSD benefits. (Feb 2008) Support veterans via the Dignity for Wounded Warriors Act. (Aug 2007) Address the deficiencies in the VA system. (Jun 2007) The cost of the Iraq war should not shortchange VA benefits. (Jun 2007) Make sure the outpatient facilities work for veterans. (Jun 2007) Comprehensive plan for our veterans healthcare. (Mar 2007) Voting Record FactCheck: Promised to repeal Patriot Act, then voted for it. (Jan 2008) Wrote law to secure destroy worlds deadliest weapons. (Feb 2007) Voted NO on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad. (Aug 2007) Voted YES on limiting soldiers deployment to 12 months. (Jul 2007) Voted YES on implementing the 911 Commission report. (Mar 2007) Voted YES on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees. (Sep 2006) Voted YES on requiring CIA reports on detainees interrogation methods. (Sep 2006) Voted YES on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. (Mar 2006) Voted NO on extending the PATRIOT Acts wiretap provision. (Dec 2005) Voted YES on restricting business with entities linked to terrorism. (Jul 2005) Voted YES on restoring 565M for states and ports first responders. (Mar 2005) Sponsored bill for Iraq budget to be part of defense budget. (Jun 2006) Improve mental health care benefits for returning veterans. (Jun 2008) Study address suicides among veterans. (Apr 2008) Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror. (Jun 2007) Establish global strategy to defeat al Qaeda. (Feb 2008) Barack Obama on Immigration Click here for 60 full quotes on Immigration OR other candidates on Immigration OR background on Immigration. OpEd: Executive action ignores Congress the Constitution. (Nov 2014) Executive action on immigration is well-precedented. (Nov 2014) Common sense executive action: Deport felons, not families. (Nov 2014) Deferred-action: Let under-age illegals remain lawfully. (Mar 2013) Since 2008, deported a record number of illegal immigrants. (Mar 2013) Comprehensive immigration reform including legal immigration. (Feb 2013) I promised reform in 2009, but economy took priority. (Sep 2012) Focus deportations on criminals and those without US roots. (Sep 2012) FactCheck: Fewer border crossings mostly due to economy. (Jan 2012) Arizonas S. B.1070 creates misguided patchwork system. (Oct 2011) Sent unmanned aircraft drones to monitor Mexican border. (Oct 2011) Comprehensive reform cant be done by president alone. (Oct 2011) Stop expelling talented undocumented workers. (Jan 2011) Send 1,200 National Guard troops to southern border. (Nov 2010) Anti-immigrant bitterness stems from joblessness. (Jan 2010) Crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants. (Jul 2008) America has nothing to fear from todays immigrants. (Jun 2008) We need comprehensive reform, like McCain used to support. (Jun 2008) Recognize the humanity of immigrants: Todos somos Americanos. (Jun 2008) GovWatch: Anti-immigrants fuel xenophobia, but 45 increase. (Jun 2008) Encourage every student to learn a second language. (Feb 2008) Need to look at different aspects of immigration reform. (Feb 2008) Have border patrolled, surveillance, and deploy technology. (Feb 2008) Deporting 12 million people is ridiculous and impractical. (Feb 2008) Immigration raids are ineffective. (Feb 2008) Immigrants are scapegoats for high unemployment rates. (Jan 2008) Illegals shouldnt work but should have path to citizenship. (Dec 2007) Dont deputize Americans to turn in illegal immigrants. (Dec 2007) OK to provide government services in Spanish. (Dec 2007) Comprehensive solution includes employers borders. (Nov 2007) Undocumented workers come here to work, not to drive. (Nov 2007) Support granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. (Nov 2007) FactCheck: Lightning IS likelier than employer prosecution. (Nov 2007) Immigration system is broken for legal immigrants. (Sep 2007) Reform must include more border security, and border wall. (Sep 2007) Sanctuary cities show that feds are not enforcing law. (Sep 2007) Pathway to citizenship, but people have to earn it. (Aug 2007) Lets be a nation of laws AND a nation of immigrants. (Aug 2007) Do a better job patrolling the Canadian and Mexican borders. (Jun 2007) Give immigrants who are here a rigorous path to citizenship. (Jun 2007) Immigrant Benefits Kids who think of themselves as Americans--they should stay. (Oct 2012) Still supports comprehensive reform and the DREAM Act. (Sep 2012) Let foreign students stay after graduating college. (Jan 2012) Increasing the legal fees on immigrants is not helping. (Feb 2008) Solve the drivers license issue with immigration reform. (Jan 2008) Health plan: not enough resources for illegal immigrants. (Jan 2008) Illegal immigrants lack of ID is a public safety concern. (Oct 2007) Extend welfare and Medicaid to immigrants. (Jul 1998) Voting Record Support the DREAM Act for the children of illegal immigrants. (Jan 2008) Voted YES on continuing federal funds for declared sanctuary cities. (Mar 2008) Voted YES on comprehensive immigration reform. (Jun 2007) Voted NO on declaring English as the official language of the US government. (Jun 2007) Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006) Voted YES on establishing a Guest Worker program. (May 2006) Voted YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. (May 2006) Voted YES on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship. (May 2006) Comprehensive immigration reform without amnesty. (May 2005) Sponsored bill paying fair prevailing wage to guest workers. (May 2006) Provide funding for social services for noncitizens. (May 2006) Rated 8 by USBC. indicating an open-border stance. (Dec 2006) Barack Obama on Jobs Click here for 60 full quotes on Jobs OR other candidates on Jobs OR background on Jobs. Need retraining programs for workers who lose jobs. (Jan 2016) Best employment growth since 1999 the crisis is past. (Jan 2015) Help families with more paid leave higher minimum wage. (Jan 2015) FactCheck: Yes, unemployment down but many stopped looking. (Jan 2015) FactCheck: 10.10 minimum wage only affects 200,000 workers. (Jan 2014) New ladder of opportunity into the middle class. (Jan 2014) Federal contracts require minimum wage of 10.10 per hour. (Jan 2014) No assault on unions: dont denigrate public employees. (Nov 2013) FactCheck: Yes, 500K manufacturing jobs since 2010, but. (Feb 2013) Make America a magnet for new jobs and manufacturing. (Feb 2013) Raise federal minimum wage to 9 per hour, and tie to COLA. (Feb 2013) We were losing 800,000 jobs each month when I started. (Oct 2012) Change offshore tax rules to bring back outsourced jobs. (Oct 2012) OpEd: Backed Employee Free Choice Act only during campaign. (Jun 2010) FactCheck: Yes, wants to limit secret balloting for unions. (Oct 2008) FactCheck: Yes, McCain voted for overseas tax deferral, but. (Oct 2008) End incentives that move jobs overseas. (Sep 2008) Small towns get bitter over long-term joblessness. (Aug 2008) Supports Fair Pay Act: equal pay for equal work. (Jul 2008) Expand paid sick days to seven per year. (Jul 2008) Employee Free Choice Act: right to organize harassment-free. (Jul 2008) 1980s: Opened first city job center in South Chicago. (Apr 2008) Fight attacks on workers right to organize strike. (Feb 2008) Focus farm programs on family farms, not giant corporations. (Feb 2008) Paying more at Wal-Mart is worth it for having US jobs. (Dec 2007) Give public safety officers collective bargaining rights. (Aug 2007) Chicagos Soldier Field stadium construction created jobs. (Aug 2007) Pres. candidates can afford minimum wage most folks cant. (Jul 2007) Make the minimum wage a living wage. (Jun 2007) Burdens of globalization are placed on the backs of workers. (Mar 2007) Owes unions who endorsed him thats why hes in politics. (Oct 2006) Working full-time should mean enough to support a family. (Oct 2006) Overrode federal overtime rules and raised the minimum wage. (Sep 2004) Make sure that African-American men have access to jobs. (Jul 2004) Fund Trade Adjustment Assistance for service workers too. (Jun 2004) Increase IL minimum wage to 6.50 an hour. (Jun 2004) Tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs. (May 2004) Obama will strengthen unions and workers rights. (May 2004) OpEd: GM Chrysler takeover put union needs ahead of others. (Apr 2010) Job Stimulus US economy is strong: 900,000 new jobs in the past 6 years. (Jan 2016) Weve cut unemployment in half during my term. (Jan 2016) FactCheck: Yes, 8M new jobs, but net 1.2M lost in recession. (Jan 2014) Create 600,000 jobs in the natural gas industry. (Oct 2012) Wind energy jobs are not imaginary jobs. (Oct 2012) FactCheck: Jobs increasing, but still lower than in 2008. (Jan 2012) OpEd:Believes Keynesian theory that government spurs economy. (Sep 2010) Four million jobs created or saved by recovery program. (May 2010) Recession job losses more severe than anticipated. (Jan 2010) Jobs must be our 1 focus in 2010. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Obamas estimate of 2M jobs saved is closer to 1M. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Economic plan may create only 2.2M jobs, not 3.5M. (Feb 2009) Solution to financial crisis is more job creation. (Oct 2008) Voting Record Chief co-sponsor of IL ENDA, against gay job discrimination. (Aug 2007) Voted NO on terminating legal challenges to English-only job rules. (Mar 2008) Voted YES on restricting employer interference in union organizing. (Jun 2007) Voted YES on increasing minimum wage to 7.25. (Feb 2007) Voted YES on raising the minimum wage to 7.25 rather than 6.25. (Mar 2005) Sponsored bill allowing an Air Traffic Controllers Union. (Jan 2006) Match minimum wage increases to Congressional pay raises. (May 2006) Extend unemployment compensation during recession. (Jan 2008) Barack Obama on Principles Values Click here for 209 full quotes on Principles Values OR 113 older headlines OR other candidates on Principles Values OR background on Principles Values. America is defined by innovative spirit: its in our DNA. (Jan 2016) Put nations interests before party. (Feb 2013) If all Americans get opportunity, were all better off. (Oct 2012) Letters from Americans: This is who we are fighting for. (Sep 2012) OpEd: Offered a third way but hid left-of-center agenda. (Jun 2012) OpEd: Many blacks voted for Obama only because hes black. (Jan 2012) Compact in past decades: do your job make it in America. (Sep 2011) OpEd: seeks newer New Deals and greater Great Societies. (Feb 2011) American exceptionalism is same as any other exceptionalism. (Nov 2010) 92 of Tea Partiers: Obama is moving US toward socialism. (Sep 2010) Loyal opposition is not just valuable, but a necessity. (Jan 2010) Hard times test us, like we have been tested in the past. (Jan 2010) Despite setbacks, Americans dont quit I dont quit. (Jan 2010) OpEd: Comfortable with differences downplays separations. (Jul 2009) OpEd: Master of values-laden over outcome-laden language. (Jul 2009) OpEd: Unflappability comes from Methodist grandparents. (Jan 2009) OpEd: Combines clergy oratory with intellectual eloquence. (Jan 2009) Obama Messiah Watch: Keep eye on media gushing hyperbolic. (Jan 2009) Ordinary people found the courage to keep the promise alive. (Aug 2008) Measure progress by observing how ordinary people are doing. (Aug 2008) Our government must keep the promise of America. (Aug 2008) Fulfilling Americas promise means individual participation. (Aug 2008) The American promise is our greatest inheritance. (Aug 2008) Traditional conservatives value temperance restraint. (Aug 2008) OpEd: Themes of hope and change has numerous antecedents. (Aug 2008) We have to demand more from ourselves. (Jul 2008) Michelle: My husband demands you move out of comfort zone. (Jul 2008) The Clinton years were undeniably better than the Bush years. (Jan 2008) Turn the page on the failed politics policies of the past. (Jan 2008) Criticizes voter cynicism from decades of disappointment. (Oct 2007) Post-1960s politics more about moral attitude than issues. (Oct 2006) Americans dislike partisanship--not solution like Dems think. (Oct 2006) Enlist the American people in the process of self-government. (Jan 2006) Guilt is a luxury that not everyone can afford. (Aug 1996) Campaign Themes Opportunity is who we are: lets restore that promise. (Jan 2014) I want to build on our strengths invest in America. (Oct 2012) This election about vision of restoring middle class values. (Sep 2012) Fundamental American promise: work hard build better life. (Sep 2012) Appointed Clinton Biden as team of rivals, like Lincoln. (Jun 2012) Effective citizenship means listening to opposing views. (Oct 2011) OpEd: Transformative from individualism to collectivism. (Apr 2010) Campaign slogan: Yes, we can. (Mar 2010) Weve had lots of plans but a shortage of hope. (Jan 2010) Were more decent compassionate than last 8 years. (Aug 2008) 161Siacute, se puede Yes, we can. (Jun 2008) Life experiences taught me how to bring people together. (Feb 2008) People understand we must bring the country together. (Feb 2008) End politics of division make it about addition. (Jan 2008) Hope is the bedrock of this nation. (Jan 2008) Resounds with American theme of overcoming burden of history. (Nov 2007) Cultivates comparison to Jack Kennedy. (Nov 2007) Campaigns assiduously in black churches. (Nov 2007) Community politics: merges Alinsky political activism. (Oct 2007) Turn the page: invite GOP independents to join in agenda. (Sep 2007) People have an urgent desire for change in Washington. (Jul 2007) A hopemonger, having seen the power of hope. (Jun 2007) Washington can change if we say: Yes we can. (Mar 2007) Replace partisan bickering with politics of hope. (Feb 2007) Ive been in DC long enough to know that it must change. (Feb 2007) Progressives should recognize common morality with religion. (Oct 2006) Audacity of Hope to change politics to reflect common good. (Oct 2006) Seek common ground, not a moral crusade. (Oct 2004) Im living my parents dreams and the American dream. (Jul 2004) Greatness based on Declaration of Independence, not military. (Jul 2004) We are one people all defending the United States of America. (Jul 2004) Want common-sense solutions, not liberal-conservative labels. (Jul 2004) Community Organizing OpEd: greatest talent is chairing balanced meetings. (May 2010) 2008 HQ phone greeting: What can you do for us. (Apr 2010) Required email list from every candidate event he attended. (Jan 2010) Headed Project Vote in Chicago in 1990s. (Aug 2008) Obama worked in same community as Saul Alinsky. (Aug 2008) OpEd: Obama implements Alinskys ideas of radical change. (Aug 2008) Used community organizer skills as State Senator. (Aug 2008) Organizers method: from issue to action to power. (Apr 2008) 1980s: Registered 150,000 voters in Chicago Project Vote. (Apr 2008) Moved to Illinois as community organizer, for 13,000 a year. (Feb 2007) Poverty of political organizers was proof of their integrity. (Aug 1996) Family of Origin Maternal grandfather fought in WWII. (Oct 2011) OpEd: Black father abandoned him, yet identifies with him. (Nov 2009) Father had wife in Africa when he met and married Ann Dunham. (Aug 2008) Father left family for Harvard education. (Aug 2008) Fathers upbringing was Muslim, although never religious. (Aug 2008) Father had 3 or 4 wives Barack has at least 5 half-siblings. (Aug 2008) Many attribute mothers marriages to being anthropologist. (Aug 2008) Lived with grandparents in Hawaii over mother in Indonesia. (Aug 2008) Would be first president to have extended family abroad. (Aug 2008) OpEd: Obama invented the dreams in Dreams from my Father. (Jul 2008) Greatest mistake: absence from mother when she died. (Apr 2008) Fathers family from the Luo tribe of Kenya. (Apr 2008) Related to both Vice Pres. Cheney and Pres. Truman. (Apr 2008) Mother described as the original feminist at 1960 college. (Apr 2008) In his 20s, searched for his identity, absent both parents. (Apr 2008) Father was first African exchange student at U. Hawaii. (Aug 2007) Traces ancestry to Jefferson Davis, President of Confederacy. (Feb 2007) Greeted as hero on visit to ancestral Kenya. (Feb 2007) Father died in car crash before Barack got to know him. (Feb 2007) Full name: Barack Hussein Obama family calls him Barry. (Oct 2006) Past Campaigns 2008: supported by both Hollywood and Wall Street. (Sep 2011) OpEd: Big Business gave more to Obama than McCain. (Nov 2009) 2006: Started from scratch compared with Hillary McCain. (Aug 2009) 1999 Congressional loss: I got my rear end handed to me. (Aug 2008) Borrowed Yes, we can slogan from Cesar Chavez 1960s UFW. (Aug 2008) 1996: job of state senator is organizer, teacher, advocate. (Apr 2008) 5th African-American ever elected to US Senate. (Apr 2008) June 2008: YouTube hit, I Got a Crush on Obama. (Apr 2008) Campaigning on change from the bottom up that King stood for. (Jan 2008) 1990: Elected Law Review president with conservative support. (Aug 2007) Senate 2004 campaign theme: Yes we can. (Aug 2007) Lost Congressional primary in 1999 to Bobby Rush. (Feb 2007) Personal History Being president doesnt change you--it reveals who you are. (Sep 2012) OpEd: Pal Bill Ayres was a bomb-throwing terrorist. (Nov 2009) Developed style attitude based on exposure to pop culture. (Jan 2009) 1970s: Teen basketball player fan of Julius Dr. J Erving. (Jan 2009) Favorite movie: The Godfather, for respect family. (Sep 2008) Visited Africa 3 times 1986, then 1992 2006 with Michelle. (Aug 2008) In no other country is my story even possible. (Mar 2008) Dreams From My Father is an archetypal search. (Dec 2007) Obama REPRESENTS something doesnt have to DO anything. (Dec 2007) Won Grammy for recording Dreams from My Father. (Nov 2007) First major politician of the post-Baby Boom generation. (Oct 2007) Most decisive moment: transition from high school to college. (Aug 2007) High school jock--played football as defensive lineman. (Aug 2007) Goal as youth: Leave the world a better place. (Aug 2007) Planned on presidency since well before 2004 Convention. (Aug 2007) Dreams from My Father originally about Harvard Law Review. (Aug 2007) Favorite authors: E. L. Doctorow Shakespeare. (Aug 2007) To understand Obama, understand Hawaiis cultural mix. (Aug 2007) Met Michelle Robinson at law firm married in 1990. (Aug 2007) A reformed smoker but occasionally burns one. (Mar 2007) Personal story is basis of political desire to unite. (Feb 2007) First black president of the Harvard Law Review. (Jul 2004) Racism Race OpEd: Jackson Sharpton were articulate black predecessors. (Oct 2010) OpEd: Elections of underclass occurred in many countries. (Jun 2010) New Yorker cover: Islamic garb fist-bumping Michelle. (Jan 2009) Am I somehow responsible for fate of entire black race (Jan 2009) No contradiction as black voice constituent representative. (Jan 2009) OpEd: March 2008 race speech reminder of ongoing struggle. (Jan 2009) March 2008 speech on race began with We, the people. (Jan 2009) Speaks about racial anxiety from personal experience. (Aug 2008) 1995: Participated in Million Man March. (Aug 2008) Apocryphal story: race awareness began with skin-bleach ad. (Aug 2008) Taking a black candidate for granted is measure of progress. (Jun 2008) Epiphany at age 21 settled his racial identity. (Apr 2008) Weve never really worked through complexities of race. (Mar 2008) Intertwined search for father and racial identity. (Dec 2007) Rooted in African-American community but also more than that. (Dec 2007) In college, rejected multiracialism for black identity. (Dec 2007) Fans see Obama as opportunity to vote for redemption. (Dec 2007) Veiled racism in dismissing Obama as unqualified. (Oct 2007) Catching a cab, no one questions hes authentically black. (Jul 2007) Americas race and class problems are intertwined. (Aug 1996) There is some hope of eventual reconciliation between races. (Aug 1996) Racism wasnt merely the cruelty involved, but arrogance too. (Aug 1996) Suspected by opponents of being Muslim, Communist, Nazi. (Jan 2012) OpEd: installed secularism as Americas state religion. (Oct 2011) OpEd: Wrote glowingly of Rev. Jeremiah Wrights first sermon. (Nov 2009) First American president not raised in a Christian home. (Aug 2008) Religious Left calls Obama called and anointed. (Aug 2008) Grandmother raised as strict Methodist, but saw hypocrisy. (Aug 2008) Mother raised in Unitarian Church with secular values. (Aug 2008) Mother declared herself an atheist during high school. (Aug 2008) Obamas Trinity Church is based on black-liberation theology. (Aug 2008) Moved to attended church in neighborhood he was organizing. (Aug 2008) OpEd: Obama was born a Muslim, and is now a Christian. (Jul 2008) GovWatch: never a Muslim, but school listed him as Muslim. (Jun 2008) In hard times, people take refuge in traditions, God guns. (Apr 2008) I am a person of faith and I reach out to people of faith. (Apr 2008) Religion is foundational not clinging nor elitist. (Apr 2008) Rev. Jeremiah Wright helped bring me to Christianity. (Apr 2008) Exposure to Islam taught me that Muslims can partner with us. (Apr 2008) Kenyan grandfather converted to Christianity then to Islam. (Apr 2008) Baracks UCC church motto: Unabashedly Black Christian. (Apr 2008) Father was raised Muslim but became an atheist. (Apr 2008) Registered as Muslim at Catholic secular Indonesian school. (Apr 2008) I am a proud Christian who believes deeply in Jesus Christ. (Jan 2008) Despite attack email, pledges Allegiance uses Bible. (Jan 2008) Attends church with press, to dispel rumors that hes Muslim. (Dec 2007) Grandfather converted from Christianity to Islam. (Dec 2007) Joined church that emphasized a Black Value System. (Dec 2007) Uses prayer to take stock of his moral compass. (Oct 2007) Reach out to faith communityfaith has role in public square. (Sep 2007) Active in the Trinity faith community. (Aug 2007) Carries Bible on campaign trail, refers to it weekly. (Aug 2007) Embrace Christ as an ally. (Mar 2007) Source of his book title Audacity of Hope was a sermon. (Feb 2007) Raised secular, but with working knowledge of world religion. (Oct 2006) Baptized as an adult in the Trinity United Church of Christ. (Oct 2006) Religious concerns ok, if translated into universal values. (Oct 2006) Theres a call to evangelize in politics. (Apr 2004) Im a big believer in the separation of church and state. (Apr 2004) Spent time in both Muslim and Catholic schools. (Aug 1996) Neighbor Bill Ayres admits 1970s violent radicalism. (Aug 2008) OpEd: Distances himself from 1970s radical Bill Ayres. (Aug 2008) Tony Rezko: large contributor active member of campaigns. (Aug 2008) Tony Rezko helped Obama buy home in prestigious neighborhood. (Aug 2008) Segments of Wright sermons were caricatures of the church. (Aug 2008) Photographed without hand over heart during national anthem. (Aug 2008) I revere the American flag I dont refuse to wear flag pins. (Apr 2008) FactCheck: Yes, refused to wear a flag pin, last year. (Apr 2008) Mar. 2008: Campaign uproar over Rev. Wrights anti-US sermon. (Apr 2008) FactCheck: Took Rezkos donations, but never represented him. (Jan 2008) Gave away all Rezko boneheaded donations to charity. (Nov 2007) Voting Record FactCheck: Ranked most liberal in Senate, based on 99 votes. (Feb 2008) Voted with Democratic Party 96.0 of 251 votes. (Sep 2007) Biggest mistake was intruding in Terri Schiavo case. (Apr 2007) Voted NO on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006) Voted NO on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005) Member of Congressional Black Caucus. (Jan 2001) Reject Bushs Florida electors due to election fraud. (Jan 2001) Barack Obama on Social Security Click here for 22 full quotes on Social Security OR other candidates on Social Security OR background on Social Security. MyRA: new savings bond for retirement. (Jan 2014) No new promises we cant keep but keep promises weve made. (Feb 2013) Entitlements dont make us takers they free us to take risk. (Jan 2013) Tweak Social Security like Reagan did, but keep entitlements. (Oct 2012) OpEd: Eliminating FICA ceiling means rich wont spend. (Apr 2010) Good health care and tax reform will save entitlements. (Oct 2008) 2007: Raise income cap to avoid future shortfall. (Aug 2008) What do we do with the losers of privatizing (Jul 2008) Raise cap on payroll tax for 3 of earners over 102,000. (Apr 2008) Raise 97K cap on payroll tax exempting earnings under 250K. (Apr 2008) Must capture new revenue no new Social Security Commission. (Apr 2008) Stop any efforts to privatize Social Security. (Feb 2008) FactCheck: Removing 97,500 cap would be 1.3T tax increase. (Nov 2007) Cutting benefits raising retirement age are wrong answers. (Nov 2007) The wealthy should pay a bit more on the payroll tax. (Oct 2007) Privatization puts retirement at whim of stock market. (Sep 2007) Stop any efforts to privatize Social Security. (Aug 2007) No privatization but consider earning cap over 97,500. (Jul 2007) Stock market risk is ok, but not for Social Security. (Oct 2006) Raise the cap on the payroll tax on wealthy individuals. (Jan 2006) 2000 tax credit for Working Families Savings Accounts. (Jul 2004) Voted NO on establishing reserve funds pre-funding for Social Security. (Mar 2007) Barack Obama on Tax Reform Click here for 47 full quotes on Tax Reform OR 11 older headlines OR other candidates on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform. Tax cuts wont help us compete with China invest instead. (Oct 2012) Ive cut taxes for middle-class families small businesses. (Oct 2012) We need a tax code where everybody pays their fair share. (Sep 2011) We cut taxes 25 times, for 95 of Americans. (Jan 2010) FactCheck: Tax cut only helps 75 or workers, not 95. (Feb 2009) Yes, earmarks are abused, but small compared to tax cuts. (Sep 2008) Trickle-down economics has failed. (Aug 2008) Adjust capital gains tax up to where Reagan set it. (Aug 2008) Tax cut for middle class and relief to struggling homeowners. (Jul 2008) Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit. (Jul 2008) Maintain the inheritance tax on wealthy. (Jul 2008) Middle class tax cut helps offset rising cost of gas food. (Jun 2008) Under Bill Clinton, rich people didnt feel oppressed. (Apr 2008) Stimulus package: 500 tax cut, Social Security supplement. (Jan 2008) Restore progressive tax close loopholes relief to seniors. (Oct 2007) Tax incentives to create jobs at home instead of offshore. (Jun 2004) Last thing we need now is a permanent tax cut. (Jan 2008) Taxing the Wealthy Bring back the Clinton tax rate for income above 250,000. (Oct 2012) Its unfair for a nurse to pay a higher tax rate than Romney. (Oct 2012) 47 who dont pay income tax pay many other taxes. (Sep 2012) No tax breaks for millionaires GOP always wants tax cuts. (Sep 2012) Buffett rule: millionaires pay minimum of 30 in taxes. (Jan 2012) No across-the-board tax cuts for the wealthy. (Jan 2010) Tax cuts for wealthy got us into the current deficit. (Jan 2010) No 300 billion on tax cuts for those who dont need them. (Sep 2008) Tax cut for 95 of all working families, not corporations. (Aug 2008) I will raise CEO taxes, no doubt about it. (May 2008) No tax increase if earning under 250K tax cuts under 75K. (Apr 2008) Raise capital gains tax for fairness, not for revenue. (Apr 2008) Im not bashful about it: wealthy will pay more taxes. (Jan 2008) Trillion dollar giveaway: the Paris Hilton Tax Break. (Oct 2007) Reduce Bush tax cuts to pay for health care other programs. (Jun 2007) Estate tax only affects the wealthiest 12 of 1. (Oct 2006) Bush tax cuts help corporations but not middle class. (Jun 2004) Voting Record FactCheck: Voted for non-binding tax increase on 42K income. (Sep 2008) GovWatch: didnt vote to raise taxes 94 times at most 54. (Jul 2008) Voted YES on increasing tax rate for people earning over 1 million. (Mar 2008) Voted NO on allowing AMT reduction without budget offset. (Mar 2008) Voted NO on raising the Death Tax exemption to 5M from 1M. (Feb 2008) Voted NO on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax. (Mar 2007) Voted NO on raising estate tax exemption to 5 million. (Mar 2007) Voted NO on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts. (Aug 2006) Voted NO on permanently repealing the death tax. (Jun 2006) Voted YES on 47B for military by repealing capital gains tax cut. (Feb 2006) Voted NO on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains dividends. (Feb 2006) Voted NO on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends. (Nov 2005) Rated 100 by the CTJ. indicating support of progressive taxation. (Dec 2006) Barack Obama on Technology Click here for 55 full quotes on Technology OR other candidates on Technology OR background on Technology. Must continue to make technology accessible. (Jan 2016) We protected an open internet got more Americans online. (Jan 2016) Precision Medicine Initiative: cures via personalized info. (Jan 2015) Out to space not just to visit but to stay. (Jan 2015) Better meet the threat of cyberattacks. (Jan 2015) Patent reform: Unleash the next great discovery. (Jan 2014) 140 for each 1 spent on genome make more such investments. (Feb 2013) Cyber-attacks are real threats to security and economy. (Feb 2013) World leadership via cutting-edge technology workers. (Oct 2012) Military needs to think about space and cybersecurity. (Oct 2012) We need to train for the next generation of Apples. (Oct 2012) Double funding for key research agencies. (Sep 2012) Invest 3 of GDP in public private RD. (Sep 2012) Free and open Internet is essential to modern economy. (Sep 2012) Make science policy decisions based on facts, not ideology. (Sep 2012) Send humans to Asteroids by 2025 Mars by 2030s. (Sep 2012) Media change since Clinton: intravenous Internet news feed. (Jun 2012) Space-race-level investment in RD biotech green tech. (Jan 2011) Network clean energy transmission lines like highway network. (May 2010) Cancel moon program develop human mission to Mars. (Jan 2010) Iowa 2007: Tracked every college student high school. (Aug 2009) My. barackobama key to campaign, like Wall St to finance. (Aug 2009) My. BarackObama enabled grassroots organizing. (Jan 2009) Google for Government was a bipartisan initiative. (Sep 2008) Invest in a digital smart grid for electricity utilities. (Jul 2008) Double basic research funding make the RD tax permanent. (Jun 2008) Feb. 2008: Had 250,000 members on Facebook to Clintons 3250. (Apr 2008) Incentives for next-generation broadband in every community. (Feb 2008) Increase funding for math and science research education. (Oct 2007) Airlines got into trouble after deregulation. (Oct 2007) Organizes campaign events via MySpace and FaceBook. (Oct 2007) JFK inspired with space program now same with energy RD. (Sep 2007) Increase funding for basic research expand broadband access. (Aug 2007) As Senate freshman spoke out on Katrina ramifications. (Aug 2007) 42B more in university-based RD. (Oct 2006) National broadband plan: increase access to 90 by 2020. (Sep 2010) Infrastructure Put Americans to work on 21st-century transportation system. (Jan 2016) FactCheck: Money stops infrastructure projects, not red tape. (Jan 2014) Fix It First: urgent repairs like 70,000 bridges. (Feb 2013) Rebuild the countrys crumbling infrastructure. (Sep 2011) Investing in the future is federal responsibility. (Sep 2011) FactCheck: High-speed rail for 80 possible but not soon. (Jan 2011) High-speed rail for 80 of US high-speed web for 98 of US. (Jan 2011) 13B stimulus funds to upgrade rail lines build new ones. (Jun 2010) Theres no reason Europe China should have fastest trains. (Jan 2010) National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank: 60B in 10 years. (Jun 2008) Broadband in heart of inner cities and rural towns. (Feb 2007) Invest on transportation and clean coal technology projects. (Oct 2004) Voted YES on authorizing states to collect Internet sales taxes. (May 2013) Voted NO on restoring 550M in funding for Amtrak for 2007. (Mar 2006) Close digital divide with high-tech training. (Jan 2001) Ensure net neutrality: no corporate-tiered Internet. (Jan 2007) Create online database of science math scholarships. (Dec 2007) Website for competitive federal awards. (Jun 2008) Overturn FCC approval of media consolidation. (Mar 2008) Barack Obama on War Peace Afghan War Move into support role in Afghanistan 34,000 troops home. (Feb 2013) We had forgotten why we went into Afghanistan. (Oct 2012) End our longest war: out of Afghanistan in 2014. (Sep 2012) All but one advisor cautioned against Osama bin Laden strike. (Jan 2012) Make sure Afghanistan is never again a source of attack. (Jan 2012) FactCheck: Taliban may control countryside after US leaves. (Jan 2012) 2009: Command is a solemn responsibility war has no glory. (Oct 2011) Afghan war: moral imperative against determined enemy. (Oct 2011) Weve taken the fight to al Qaeda in Afghanistan, until July. (Jan 2011) OpEd: Relying heavily on drones causes civilian casualties. (Jun 2010) OpEd: Af-Pak drones: targeted kills but extra-judicial. (May 2010) OpEd: Conservatives happy Obama is staying in Afghanistan. (Apr 2010) Troops will begin to exit Afghanistan in July 2011. (Jan 2010) Evil does exist in the world sometimes war is justified. (Dec 2009) America is not--and never will be--at war with Islam. (Jun 2009) More aid to Pakistan but pursue bin Laden over their border. (Oct 2008) Unwise war in Iraq distracted us from catching Bin Laden. (Sep 2008) Military surge in Afghanistan to eliminate the Taliban. (May 2008) Al Qaida is based in northwest Pakistan strike if needed. (Jan 2008) Deal with al Qaeda on Pakistan border, but not with nukes. (Aug 2007) Military action in Pakistan if we have actionable intel. (Aug 2007) FactCheck: Yes, Obama said invade Pakistan to get al Qaeda. (Aug 2007) Focus on battle in Afghanistan and root out al Qaeda. (Jun 2007) We did the right thing in Afghanistan. (Mar 2007) Green Party OpEd: We are not out of Iraq. (Aug 2012) OpEd: Calling Iraq a dumb war left open smarter war. (Jun 2012) Iraq was a rash war, based on politics, not on reason. (Jun 2012) 2008 trump card: opposition to Iraq War showed experience. (Jun 2012) For first time in 9 years, no Americans are fighting in Iraq. (Jan 2012) 2002: Opposed war while all other candidates supported it. (Aug 2009) Unlike Afghanistan, Iraq was a war of choice. (Jun 2009) I will only send our troops into harms way when necessary. (Aug 2008) 2002 anti-war speech was not popular opinion at that time. (Apr 2008) Humanitarian aid now for displaced Iraqis. (Feb 2008) End the war, and end the mindset that got us into war. (Jan 2008) The Iraq war was conceptually flawed from the start. (Jan 2008) Title of Iraq war authorization bill stated its intent. (Jan 2008) No permanent bases in Iraq. (Jan 2008) Congress decides deployment level duration, not president. (Dec 2007) Leave troops for protection of Americans counterterrorism. (Sep 2007) Hopes to remove all troops from Iraq by 2013, but no pledge. (Sep 2007) We live in a more dangerous world because of Bushs actions. (Jun 2007) Case for war was weak, but people voted their best judgment. (Jun 2007) War in Iraq is dumb but troops still need equipment. (Apr 2007) Open-ended Iraq occupation must end: no military solution. (Apr 2007) Iraq 2002: ill-conceived venture 2007: waste of resources. (Feb 2007) Saddam did not own and was not providing WMD to terrorists. (Oct 2004) Invading Iraq was a bad strategic blunder. (Oct 2004) Democratizing Iraq will be more difficult than Afghanistan. (Oct 2004) Never fudge numbers or shade the truth about war. (Jul 2004) Iraq war was sincere but misguided, ideologically driven. (Jul 2004) Not opposed to all wars, but opposed to the war in Iraq. (Jul 2004) Trouble Spots ISIS, like the Crusades, doesnt mean religion is violent. (Feb 2015) I will veto any new sanctions against Iran. (Jan 2015) Authorize the use of force against ISIL. (Jan 2015) Support rebels in Syria who oppose terrorism. (Jan 2014) America must move off a permanent war footing. (Jan 2014) Syrias Assad crossed red line by using chemical weapons. (Jun 2013) On Iranian nukes: Big nations cant bluff. (Mar 2013) We organized world community to agree that Assad has to go. (Oct 2012) I will stand with Israel if they are attacked. (Oct 2012) Key to Iranian sanctions was worlds involvement. (Oct 2012) Supported Iron Dome defense shield for Israel. (Oct 2012) Libyan people appreciate that America liberated them. (Sep 2012) Syrian use of chemical weapon is red line for intervention. (Aug 2012) Expanded CIA drone program for targeted killings. (Jun 2012) Take no options off the table if Iran develops nukes. (Jan 2012) Intervene in Libya for humanitarian reasons. (Jun 2011) Supports Arab Peace Initiative (two states) with exceptions. (Jun 2010) Continued Israeli settlements in West Bank are illegitimate. (Jun 2010) OpEd: 2008: Denounced Mumbai attacks, but not Gaza attacks. (Jun 2010) OpEd: Overreaction to North Korean rockets. (Apr 2009) Prevent Iran from attacking Israel, but keep military option. (Oct 2008) 2002: I dont oppose all war I am opposed to dumb war. (Aug 2008) Engaging in tough diplomacy with Iran is a sign of strength. (Jul 2008) Iran is biggest strategic beneficiary of invasion of Iraq. (May 2008) Take no options off the table if Iran attacks Israel. (Apr 2008) Two-state solution: Israel Palestine side-by-side in peace. (Feb 2008) No action against Iran without Congressional authorization. (Dec 2007) Iran: Bush does not let facts get in the way of ideology. (Dec 2007) Meet directly for diplomacy with the leadership in Iran. (Nov 2007) Committed to Iran not having nuclear weapons. (Oct 2007) Iran military resolution sends the region a wrong signal. (Oct 2007) Iran with nuclear weapons is a profound security threat. (Apr 2007) Terrorists are in Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran. (Oct 2004) Problems with current Israeli policy. (Jul 2004) Engage North Korea in 6-party talks. (Jul 2004) Use moral authority to work towards Middle East peace. (Jul 2004) Voting Record Voted to fund war until 2006 now wants no blank check. (Nov 2007) Late to vote against war is not late to oppose war. (Jun 2007) Spending on the Cold War relics should be for the veterans. (Jun 2007) Would have voted no to authorize the President to go to war. (Jul 2004) Voted YES on redeploying US troops out of Iraq by March 2008. (Mar 2007) Voted NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007. (Jun 2006) Voted YES on investigating contract awards in Iraq Afghanistan. (Nov 2005) Barack Obama on Welfare Poverty Click here for 27 full quotes on Welfare Poverty OR other candidates on Welfare Poverty OR background on Welfare Poverty. Expand tax cuts for childless low income workers. (Jan 2016) FactCheck: Upward mobility hasnt stalled US always was low. (Jan 2014) Earned Income Tax Credit has helped half of all families. (Jan 2014) Community organizing brings about redistributive change. (Feb 2013) People want a hand up, not a handout. (Sep 2012) Help refinancing for homeowners facing foreclosure. (Feb 2009) FactCheck: Cannot limit refinancing to responsible borrowers. (Feb 2009) Still denying decent wages, good benefits, fair treatment. (Jul 2008) AdWatch: Fought for workers from college thru Senate. (Jul 2008) GovWatch: Welfare laws he passed were federally mandated. (Jul 2008) Cut poverty in half in 10 years, with faith-based help. (Apr 2008) Welfare policies contributed to erosion of black families. (Mar 2008) Create 20 Promise Neighborhoods in high-poverty cities. (Feb 2008) 1980s: Director of the Developing Communities Project. (Oct 2007) Stop Fraud Act: full disclosure in subprime lending. (Sep 2007) Engages people of faith on all aspects of his public service. (Aug 2007) Saw dire poverty as a child in Indonesia. (Aug 2007) 1985: Launched project to give voice to disempowered. (Aug 2007) Ownership Society is another term for Social Darwinism. (Aug 2007) Community organizer on Chicagos South Side. (Feb 2007) Black churches minister to social needs out of necessity. (Oct 2006) Welfare recipients know how to succeed but need help. (Jul 2004) Belief that I am my brothers keeper makes America work. (Jul 2004) 100M increase in IL Earned Income Tax Credit. (Jun 2004) Inner city problems are the painful truths. (Aug 1996) Exorcise the ghostly figure that haunts black dreams. (Aug 1996) Develop a strategy to eliminate extreme global poverty. (Dec 2007) VoteMatch Responses (Click here for VoteMatch quiz) VoteMatch Question Answer (Click on question for explanation and background) Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt citation) We can find common ground between pro-choice and pro-life: Opposes topic 1 Expand access to contraception reduce unintended pregnancy: Favors topic 1 Stem cells hold promise to cure 70 major diseases: Favors topic 1 Trust women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion: Strongly Favors topic 1 Extend presumption of good faith to abortion protesters: Favors topic 1 Pass the Stem Cell Research Bill: Favors topic 1 Protect a womans right to choose: Strongly Favors topic 1 Blocked IL law: Born Alive Infant Protection Act: Strongly Favors topic 1 Rated 100 by NARAL on pro-choice votes in 2005, 2006 2007: Strongly Favors topic 1 Voted against banning partial birth abortion: Favors topic 1 Supports Roe v. Wade: Strongly Favors topic 1 Sponsored bill providing contraceptives for low-inc ome women : Favors topic 1 Rated 0 by the NRLC. indicating a pro-choice stance : Strongly Favors topic 1 Ensure access to and funding for contraception : Favors topic 1 NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion: Strongly Favors topic 1 NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP: Favors topic 1 YES on 100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education contraceptives: Favors topic 1 NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions: Favors topic 1 YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines: Favors topic 1 Discrimination ultimately makes US less safe: Strongly Favors topic 2 Supports Fair Pay Act: equal pay for equal work: Strongly Favors topic 2 Racial equality good for America as a whole: Favors topic 2 I benefited from affirmative action in my academic career: Strongly Favors topic 2 Keep the promise of equal pay for an equal days work: Strongly Favors topic 2 Past discrimination affects future generations: Strongly Favors topic 2 Fight job discrimination to give women equal footing a t jobs: Strongly Favors topic 2 Include class-based affirmative action with race-based: Favors topic 2 Better enforce womens pay equity via Equal Pay Act: Strongly Favors topic 2 Supports affirmative action in colleges and government: Strongly Favors topic 2 Opposes CA Prop. 8, one-man-one-woman marriage: Strongly Favors topic 2 Americas race and class problems are intertwined: Favors topic 2 Get minorities into home ownership global marketplace : Favors topic 2 Ending racial profiling is part of fight for justice : Favors topic 2 Sponsored bill for a Rosa Parks commemorative postage stamp : Favors topic 2 Rated 100 by the NAACP. indicating a pro-affirmative-action stance : Strongly Favors topic 2 Recognize Juneteenth as historical end of slavery : Strongly Favors topic 2 Re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment : Strongly Favors topic 2 Reinforce anti-discrimination and equal-pay requirements : Favors topic 2 Afghan law tolerating marital rape is abhorrent : Strongly Favors topic 2 Its right to condemn the persecution of LGBT people: Favors topic 3 Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry: Strongly Favors topic 3 Same-sex couples should be allowed to marry: Strongly Favors topic 3 Decisions about marriage should be left to the states: Opposes topic 3 Homosexuality no more immoral than heterosexuality: Favors topic 3 We need strong civil unions, not just weak civil unions: Favors topic 3 Gay marriage is less important that equal gay rights: Opposes topic 3 Opposes gay marriage supports civil union gay equality: Favors topic 3 Marriage not a human right non-discrimination is: Favors topic 3 Gays should not fa ce discrimination but should not marry: Opposes topic 3 Include sexual orientation in anti-discrimination laws: Favors topic 3 Increase funding for AIDS treatment prevention : Favors topic 3 Rated 89 by the HRC. indicating a pro-gay-rights stance : Strongly Favors topic 3 Provide benefits to domestic partners of Federal employees : Strongly Favors topic 3 NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage: Strongly Favors topic 3 Cut poverty in half in 10 years, with faith-based help: Strongly Favors topic 4 Engages people of faith on all aspects of his public service: Favors topic 4 Listening to evangelicals bridges major political fault line: Favors topic 4 Black churches minister to social needs out of necessity: Favors topic 4 Reach out to faith communityfaith has role in public square: Favors topic 4 Religious concerns ok, if translated into universal values: Opposes topic 4 NO on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration: Opposes topic 4 ObamaCare didnt crush jobs nor explode deficits: Favors topic 5 Ensure access to basic care: Favors topic 5 18 millions people have gained health insurance: Strongly Favors topic 5 They called ObamaCare Armageddon, but no asteroids fell: Strongly Fa vors topic 5 Repealing healthcare reform would cost 250B: Favors topic 5 Health care is a right: somethings fundamentally wrong now: Strongly Favors topic 5 Increase competition in the insurance and drug markets: Opposes topic 5 National Health Insurance Exchange for private coverage: Opposes topic 5 The market alone cant solve our health-care woes: Favors topic 5 Believes health care is a right, not a privilege for the few: Favors topic 5 Will expand health coverage allow meds to be re-imported: Favors topic 5 If we started from scratch, one-payer system would be best: Strongly Favors topic 5 Added 20,000 children to Illinois healthcare: Strongly Favors topic 5 National insurance pool catastrophic insurance: Strongly Favors topic 5 Crises happen in our lives and healthcare is necessary: Strongly Favors topic 5 More funding for Rx benefits, community health, CHIPs : Favors topic 5 Preserve access to Medicaid SCHIP during economic downturn : Strongly Favors topic 5 NO on means-testin g to determine Medicare Part D premium: Favors topic 5 YES on increasing Medicaid rebate for producing generics: Favors topic 5 YES on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug: Strongly Favors topic 5 YES on expanding enrollment period for Medicare Part D: Favors topic 5 YES on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D: Favors topic 5 MyRA: new savings bond for retirement: Favors topic 6 What do we do with the losers of privatizing. Strongly Opposes topic 6 Stop any efforts to privatize Social Security: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Privatization puts retirement at whim of stock market: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Stop any efforts to privatize Social Security: Strongly Opposes topic 6 No privatization but consider earning cap over 97,500: Strongly Opposes topic 6 Stock market risk is ok, but not for Social Security: Strongly Opposes topic 6 2000 tax credit for Working Families Savings Accounts: Opposes topic 6 NO on establishing reserve funds pre-funding for Social Security: Opposes topic 6 Guarantee affordable life-long, top-notch education: Opposes topic 7 Race to the Top: reward innovation in public schools: Favors topic 7 Opposes D. C. Opportunity Scholarship Program: Strongly Opposes topic 7 Increase school choice accountability within NCLB: Favors topic 7 I doubled charter schools in Illinois but no vouchers: Favors topic 7 Vouchers dont solve the problems of our schools: Opposes topic 7 Supports charter schools it s important to experiment: Favors topic 7 Supports charter schools and private investment in schools: Favors topic 7 YES on 5B for grants to local educational agencies: Opposes topic 7 Genesis teaches stewardship of earth: sacrifice for future: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Promote green technologies and fuel efficiency standards: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Conserve, develop alternative fuels, increase efficiencies: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Scored 60 on Humane Society Scorecard on animal protection: Strongly Opposes topic 8 Strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting : Strongly Opposes topic 8 Crime rate and incarceration rate have come down together: Opposes topic 9 Reduce recidivism by providing ex-offender supports: Opposes topic 9 Pushed Illinois bill to videotape all capital interrogations: Opposes topic 9 No extra penalty for gang association: Opposes topic 9 Some heinous crimes justify the ultimate punishment: Favors topic 9 Videotape all capital punishment interrogations: Opposes topic 9 Passed 150 laws to toughen penalties for violent crime: Favors topic 9 Death penalty should be enforced fairly and with caution: Favors topic 9 Death penalty should not discriminate by gang membership: Opposes topic 9 Battles legislatively against the death penalty: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Supports alternative sentencing and rehabilitation: Strongly Opposes topic 9 Increase funding for COPS ON THE BEAT program : Opposes topic 9 Reduce recidivism by giving offenders a Second Chance : Strongly Opposes topic 9 YES on reinstating 1.15 billion funding for the COPS Program: Opposes topic 9 Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok: Opposes topic 10 Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing: Opposes topic 10 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Concealed carry OK for retired police officers: Favors topic 10 Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban: Opposes topic 10 Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions: Strongly Opposes topic 10 NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers: Strongly Opposes topic 10 Should economy benefit the few, or everyone. Favors topic 11 Close loopholes that let top 1 avoid paying taxes: Strongly Favors topic 11 We need a tax code where everybody pays their fair share: Strongly Favors topic 11 Now business can write off the full cost of new investments: Opposes topic 11 Lower corporate tax rate pay for it by closing loopholes: Opposes topic 11 Trickle-down economics has failed: Strongly Favors topic 11 Maintain the inheritance tax on wealthy: Strongly Favors topic 11 Tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs: Favors topic 11 No tax breaks for millionaires GOP always wants tax cuts: Strongly Favors topic 11 Tax cut for 95 of all working families, not corporations: Strongly Favors topic 11 Trillion dollar giveaway: the Paris Hilton Tax Break: Strongly Favors topic 11 Bush tax cuts help corporations but not middle class: Strongly Favors topic 11 Rated 100 by the CTJ. indicating support of progressive taxation : Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on raising the Death Tax exemption to 5M from 1M: Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on allowing AMT reduction without budget offset: Favors topic 11 NO on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends: Strongly Favors topic 11 YES on 47B for military by repealing capital gains tax cut: Favors topic 11 NO on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains dividends: Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on permanently repealing the death tax: Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts: Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on raising estate tax exemption to 5 million: Strongly Favors topic 11 NO on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax: Strongly Favors topic 11 Sent unmanned aircraft drones to monitor Mexican border: Opposes topic 12 Stop expelling talented undocumented workers: Strongly Favors topic 12 Send 1,200 National Guard troops to southern border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Crack down on employers who h ire illegal immigrants: Opposes topic 12 Deporting 12 million people is ridiculous and impractical: Strongly Favors topic 12 Immigrants are scapegoats for high unemployment rates: Strongly Favors topic 12 Illegals shouldnt work but should have path to citizenship: Strongly Favors topic 12 Support granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants: Favors topic 12 Reform must include more border security, and border wall: Opposes topic 12 Pathway to citizenship, but people have to earn it: Favors topic 12 Lets be a nation of laws AND a nation of immigrants: Strongly Favors topic 12 Give immigrants who are here a rigorous path to citizenship: Favors topic 12 Still supports comprehensive reform and the DREAM Act: Favors topic 12 Extend welfare and Medicaid to immigrants: Favors topic 12 Support the DREAM Act for the children of illegal immigrants: Strongly Favors topic 12 Comprehensive immigration reform without amnesty : Strongly Favors topic 12 Provide funding for social services for nonci tizens : Favors topic 12 Rated 8 by USBC. indicating an open-border stance : Strongly Favors topic 12 YES on continuing federal funds for declared sanctuary cities: Strongly Favors topic 12 YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security: Strongly Favors topic 12 YES on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship: Strongly Favors topic 12 YES on establishing a Guest Worker program: Favors topic 12 YES on building a fence along the Mexican border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on declaring English as the official language of the US government: Strongly Favors topic 12 YES on comprehensive immigration reform: Strongly Favors topic 12 21st century businesses need to sell more overseas: Favors topic 13 Export more goods stamped Made in the USA: Favors topic 13 Negotiate a Transatlantic and a Trans-Pacific Partnership: Strongly Favors topic 13 Double our exports by 2014 starting with South Korea: Strongly Favors topic 13 People dont want cheaper T-shirts if it costs their job: Opposes topic 13 Fair trade should have tangible benefits for US: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Tax incentives to create jobs at home instead of offshore: Opposes topic 13 TPP facilitates US control over Asian market: Strongly Favors topic 13 TPP cuts 18,000 taxes on products made in America: Strongly Favors topic 13 Trade agreements mean we sell Made in America to millions: Strongly Favors topic 13 Double US exports via deals with Panama, Colombia, S. Korea: Strongly Favors topic 13 NAFTA protects corporate profits should protect labor: Opposes topic 13 Stand firm against CAFTA for labor environmental standards: Strongly Opposes topic 13 Amend NAFTA to add labor agreements: Opposes topic 13 NO on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade: Strongly Opposes topic 13 YES on free trade agreement with Oman: Strongly Favors topic 13 World order in flux but US still dominates: Strongly Favors topic 14 2005: The Plan: build credibility with travel abroad: Opposes topic 14 The UN has succeeded in avoiding a Third World War: Str ongly Opposes topic 14 Human rights and national security are complementary: Favors topic 14 No strategic ambiguity on foreign policy issues: Favors topic 14 Meet with enemy leaders its a disgrace that we have not: Strongly Opposes topic 14 Lead eradication of malaria and HIV, like we did with Ebola: Strongly Opposes topic 14 The Cold War is over lift 50-year embargo on Cuba: Strongly Opposes topic 14 In Berlin: proud citizen of US fellow citizen of the world: Opposes topic 14 Cooperation among nations is not a choice its the only way: Strongly Opposes topic 14 Engage with Iran but combat Al Qaeda in Pakistan: Favors topic 14 Iran is more isolated and will face growing consequences: Opposes topic 14 Secure all worlds nuclear materials by international treaty: Strongly Favors topic 14 Key to Iranian sanctions was worlds involvement: Strongly Opposes topic 14 Restore habeas corpus for detainees in the War on Terror : Opposes topic 14 YES on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detaine es: Strongly Opposes topic 14 YES on requiring CIA reports on detainees interrogation methods: Strongly Opposes topic 14 NO on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad: Strongly Opposes topic 14 We spend more on military than next 8 nations combined: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Dont give military money that theyre not asking for: Strongly Opposes topic 15 Grow size of military to maintain rotation schedules: Favors topic 15 Give our soldiers the best equipment and training available: Favors topic 15 Sponsored bill for Iraq budget to be part of defense budget : Opposes topic 15 Improve mental health care benefits for returning veterans : Favors topic 15 YES on limiting soldiers deployment to 12 months: Opposes topic 15 Weve got to make it easier to vote, not harder: Strongly Favors topic 16 Right to vote is sacred is being denied to too many: Strongly Favors topic 16 Citizens United is a victory for Wall Street Big Business: Strongly Opposes topic 16 Ended corporate jet tr avel subsidized by lobbyists: Favors topic 16 No lobbyist money no PAC money fund campaigns instead: Strongly Favors topic 16 Reduced cost TV ads for candidates 85M presidential limit: Strongly Favors topic 16 Public campaign financing with free television radio time: Strongly Favors topic 16 No bundled money from federal-registered lobbyists: Favors topic 16 People know his bundlers because he pushed disclosure law: Favors topic 16 First bill ever passed was campaign finance reform: Strongly Favors topic 16 Lobbyist influence comes from access, not money: Favors topic 16 Prohibit voter caging which intimidates minority voting : Favors topic 16 YES on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity: Favors topic 16 NO on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress: Strongly Favors topic 16 US policy should promote democracy and human rights: Favors topic 17 End our longest war: out of Afghanistan in 2014: Favors topic 17 Weve taken the fight to al Qaeda in Afghanistan, until July: Opp oses topic 17 Evil does exist in the world sometimes war is justified: Favors topic 17 We are playing to Osamas plan for winning a war from a cave: Strongly Favors topic 17 Iraq: 100,000 troops have left lets finish the job: Favors topic 17 2.7 billion each week of Iraq spending is unsustainable: Favors topic 17 War in Iraq is dumb but troops still need equipment: Strongly Favors topic 17 I will veto any new sanctions against Iran: Strongly Favors topic 17 Authorize the use of force against ISIL: Opposes topic 17 NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007: Strongly Opposes topic 17 YES on redeploying US troops out of Iraq by March 2008: Strongly Favors topic 17 Develop 100-year natural gas supply its beneath our feet: Opposes topic 18 GovWatch: Supports nuclear power if its clean safe: Opposes topic 18 3-way win: economy, environment, stop funding terror: Strongly Favors topic 18 Increase CAFE to 40 mpg: Strongly Favors topic 18 Sponsored legislations that improve energy effic iency: Favors topic 18 Lowest oil imports and highest oil production in 16 years: Opposes topic 18 All-of-the-above approach to reduce foreign dependence. Opposes topic 18 All-of-the-above energy enough natural gas or 100 years: Opposes topic 18 Big promoter of clean coal technology nukes: Strongly Opposes topic 18 More Alaska oil gas leases, plus new gas pipeline: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Free America from its dependence on foreign oil: Strongly Favors topic 18 Make technology work for us on climate change: Favors topic 18 14 warmest years on record occurred in last 15 years: Favors topic 18 China has agreed with US rest of world will now follow: Favors topic 18 Debate is settled: climate change is a fact: Strongly Favors topic 18 First-ever carbon pollution limits for new oil coal plants: Strongly Favors topic 18 Include clean coal in clean energy future: Opposes topic 18 Reduce carbon emissions by 80 by 2050: Strongly Favors topic 18 Aggressively address accelerating climate change: Strongly Favors topic 18 Cap-and-trade is more specific on reducing greenhouse gases: Strongly Favors topic 18 Clean energy for climate change creati ng new business: Strongly Favors topic 18 7 years of investment in solar wind nationwide: Strongly Favors topic 18 Natural gas is a bridge fuel then go solar: Opposes topic 18 Invest in clean energy because China Germany will: Strongly Favors topic 18 Doubled use of renewable energy doubled car fuel efficiency: Favors topic 18 Dont cede wind, or solar, or battery industry to foreigners: Strongly Favors topic 18 Subsidize clean energy by canceling oil subsidies: Favors topic 18 More incentives for clean energy, including nuclear: Opposes topic 18 GovWatch: 150B for electric car batteries new technology: Strongly Favors topic 18 Invest in alternative energy sources: Favors topic 18 Renewable Fuels Standard: require ethanol in fuel supply: Strongly Favors topic 18 Wind energy jobs are not imaginary jobs: Strongly Favors topic 18 Sponsored bill for tax credit for providing 85 ethanol gas : Favors topic 18 Sponsored bill raising CAFE by a 4 per year until 2018 : Strongly Favors topic 18 Rated 100 by the CAF. indicating support for energy independence : Favors topic 18 Sign on to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change : Strongly Favors topic 18 Designate sensitive ANWR area as protected wilderness : Favors topic 18 Set goal of 25 renewable energy by 2025 : Strongly Favors topic 18 Let states define stricter-than-federal emission standards : Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on reducing oil usage by 40 by 2025 (instead of 5): Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaskas ANWR: Strongly Favors topic 18 YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Favors topic 18 YES on factoring global warming into federal project planning: Favors topic 18 YES on removing oil gas exploration subsidies: Strongly Favors topic 18 We share cross-border drug problem with Mexico: Favors topic 19 Look at needle exchange and expand treatment: Strongly Opposes topic 19 Fight to rid our communities of meth: Favors topic 19 Expand drug courts help prisoners with substanc e abuse: Strongly Opposes topic 19 2001: questions harsh penalties for drug dealing: Opposes topic 19 Not first candidate to use drugs, but first honest about it: Opposes topic 19 Smokes cigarettes now smoked some pot in high school: Favors topic 19 Admitted marijuana use in high school college: Favors topic 19 Deal with street-level drug dealing as minimum-wage affair: Opposes topic 19 End harsher sentencing for crack vs. powder cocaine : Opposes topic 19 Require chemical resellers to certify against meth use : Favors topic 19 Help families with more paid leave higher minimum wage: Favors topic 20 Ive cut taxes for middle-class families small businesses: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Some earmarks are defensible, if done in full light of day: Strongly Favors topic 20 We cut taxes 25 times, for 95 of Americans: Strongly Opposes topic 20 My plan cuts taxes for most small businesses 95 of people: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Restore progressive tax close loopholes relief to seniors: Favors topic 20 Return to PayGo: compensate for all new spending: Opposes topic 20 Specific tax relief for families making 75,000 or less now: Strongly Opposes topic 20 Close tax loopholes for US companies relocating abroad: Favors topic 20 Bushs economic policies are not working: Favors topic 20 Supports federal programs to protect rural economy: Strongly Favors topic 20 Last thing we need now is a permanent tax cut: Favors topic 20 Save 150 billion in tax cuts for people who dont need them: Favors topic 20 Put Americans to work on 21st-century transportation system: Favors topic 20 US economy is strong: 900,000 new jobs in the past 6 years: Strongly Favors topic 20 Recovery Act averted a second Great Depression: Strongly Favors topic 20 Spending freeze now would be destimulative later is better: Strongly Favors topic 20 Bring back the Clinton tax rate for income above 250,000: Favors topic 20 Buffett rule: millionaires pay minimum of 30 in taxes: Favors topic 20 No across-the-board tax cuts for the wealthy: Favors topic 20 Tax cuts for wealthy got us into the current deficit: Favors topic 20 No 300 billion on tax cuts for those who dont need them: Favors topic 20 I will raise CEO taxes, no doubt about it: Favors topic 20 Im not bashful about it: wealthy will pay more taxes: Favors topic 20 Reduce Bush tax cuts to pay for health care other programs: Favors topic 20 YES on increasing tax rate for people earning over 1 million: Strongly Favors topic 20
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